Error loading R with RStudio

I have just installed R and RStudio and get the following message after opening RStudio and trying to select the correct version of R:
"An error occurred while attempting to load the selected version of R. Please select a different R installation."
Please see the screenshot here:

Please let me know any suggestions you may have for how to resolve this.

No real suggestion but have you confirmed that you have a working R instalation? Can you load R from the terminal or RGui?

Thanks for the suggestion. I get the following error when I try to open R:
Fatal error: 'R_TempDir' contains space.
I went ahead and installed it successfully on another computer so I suppose there is something about the filepath on the computer I initially tried to download to which isn't allowing it. I searched google and found that I may need to change my Windows user account name to remove the space since it's currently firstname lastname. If you have an idea for a less drastic solution, I would be very appreciative. Thanks again!

Argh, I am of no help here as I have not used Windows in 15 years but it looks like you have a corrupt R installation.
Can you try a new R installation?

Other than that we may need a Windows person

Sorry to be of such little help.

I recently had this same issue and tried a bunch of YouTube tutorial fixes (many didn't work). What I did was make a new Windows user account without a space in the username. It's less drastic and easier than changing your current username.

I went back to R version 4.1.3 instead of the latest, 4.3.1, and it works. The latest RStudio with it as well.
But thanks for your input!

I went back to R version 4.1.3 instead of the latest, 4.3.1, and it works. The latest RStudio works with it as well.
But thanks for your input!

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