Hi! I installed the R Studio on my new MacBook and tried to do my Stats homework with R code. After completing R code assignment, I wanted to knit it to HTML. However, the error keeps showing no matter what I do. I tried to reinstall R studio and even knit it on my friend's computer. Nothing worked. Here's the error code. Please help me look into it. Thank you!
sh: /Applications/RStudio.app/Contents/Resources/app/quarto/bin/tools/pandoc: Bad CPU type in executable Error in strsplit(info, "\n", useBytes = TRUE)[[1]] : subscript out of bounds Calls: ... pandoc_available -> find_pandoc -> lapply -> FUN -> get_pandoc_version In addition: Warning message: In system(paste(shQuote(path), "--version"), intern = TRUE) : running command ''/Applications/RStudio.app/Contents/Resources/app/quarto/bin/tools/pandoc' --version' had status 126 Execution halted