Error installing R packages in GitHub actions: `Unable to locate package bwidget`

I’m trying to render a book via bookdown using GitHub Actions. The package dependencies install correctly when I use the following line:

Rscript -e "remotes::install_deps(dependencies = TRUE)"

However I receive an error when trying:


Here’s the error I receive:

  ℹ Installing system requirements
  ℹ Executing `sh -c apt-get install -y bwidget`
  Reading package lists...
  Building dependency tree...
  Reading state information...
  E: Unable to locate package bwidget
  Error: <callr_remote_error: System command 'sh' failed, exit status: 100, stdout + stderr:
  E> Reading package lists...
  E> Building dependency tree...
  E> Reading state information...
  E> E: Unable to locate package bwidget>
   in process 668 
  System command 'sh' failed, exit status: 100, stdout + stderr:
  E> Reading package lists...
  E> Building dependency tree...
  E> Reading state information...
  E> E: Unable to locate package bwidget
   Stack trace:
   12. (function (...)  ...
   13. base:::withCallingHandlers(cli_message = function(msg) { ...
   14. get("lockfile_install_internal", asNamespace("pak"))(...)
   15. plan$install_sysreqs()
   16. pkgdepends:::sysreqs_install(srq$result %||% srq, config)
   17. base:::lapply(cmds, function(cmd) { ...
   18. pkgdepends:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
   19. processx::run(sh, cmdline, stdout_callback = callback, stderr_to_stdout = TRUE)
   20. base:::throw(new_process_error(res, call =, echo = echo,  ...
   21. base:::signalCondition(cond)
   22. (function (e)  ...
   23. base:::stop(e)
   24. (function (e)  ...
   x System command 'sh' failed, exit status: 100, stdout + stderr:
  E> Reading package lists...
  E> Building dependency tree...
  E> Reading state information...
  E> E: Unable to locate package bwidget 
  Execution halted
  Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

Here’s my workflow file: Principles-Psychological-Assessment/.github/workflows/deploy_bookdown.yml at main · isaactpetersen/Principles-Psychological-Assessment · GitHub

Here’s the log:

Heres’ the repo:

I am not sure why the bwidget installation fails, it's definitely an existing package on Ubuntu 20.04. Maybe the package database is outdated and pak does not update it. Try running

sudo apt-get update

before the setup-r-dependencies step.

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