I might have missed something, but I can't run the pivot() function.
I have a problem similar (if not identical) to # r - less clunky reshaping of anscombe data - Stack Overflow.
Tried the solution in Extending gather to work with pair-wise variables · Issue #215 · tidyverse/tidyr · GitHub, but I cannot solve the "multiple-gather" problem.
Would it be possible for you to help?
Set sample:
> dat_group
# A tibble: 8 x 9
Tag `Group Area: St~ `Group Area: Gr~ `Group Area: Fa~ `Group Area: No~ `Group CV [%]: ~ `Group CV [%]: ~
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Cn_M~ 194. 204. 132. 128. 65.9 19.3
2 Cn_M~ 6998. 10956. 3149. 4293. 34.6 30.8
3 Cn_M~ 665. 631. 482. 422. 30.5 17.9
4 Cn_M~ 4706. 3121. 2674. 2814. 33.0 50.0
5 Cn_M~ 13192. 20147. 11013. 12207. 33.0 9.06
6 Cn_M~ 4797. 3628. 3063. 3302. 38.1 12.7
7 Cn_M~ 175. 122. 120. 84.4 80.4 8.15
8 Cn_M~ 3863. 1545. 2862. 2041. 232. 42.5
# ... with 2 more variables: `Group CV [%]: Fallow, Zero, n, CW` <dbl>, `Group CV [%]: No-tillage, Zero, n, CW` <dbl>
I need to gather "Group Area" and "Group CV[%]" for each group and sample.
Before I had only 1 variable (Group Area) and I achieved the result with:
dat_group_long <- dat_group %>%
gather(key = "Sample_ID", value = "Group_area", starts_with("Group Area:")) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(Land_use = map(data, ~str_split_fixed(string = str_replace_all(.$Sample_ID, "Group Area: ", ""),
pattern = ",",
n = 4)[,1]),
Incubation = map(data, ~str_split_fixed(string = str_replace_all(.$Sample_ID, "Group Area: ", ""),
pattern = ",",
n = 4)[,2]),
Resin_trt = map(data, ~str_split_fixed(string = str_replace_all(.$Sample_ID, "Group Area: ", ""),
pattern = ",",
n = 4)[,3]),
Extraction = map(data, ~str_split_fixed(string = str_replace_all(.$Sample_ID, "Group Area: ", ""),
pattern = ",",
n = 4)[,4])) %>%
unnest() %>%
mutate_at(.vars = vars(Land_use:Extraction), .funs = str_replace_all, # removing whitespace
pattern = " ", replacement = "") %>%
select(c(Land_use:Extraction), everything())
Now I have to get the same result, but for both variables.
I am very short with the time for this commitment, and I would be grateful for your help.
Sorry for the hassle,