Error in out$outmat : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors

Hi. I am trying to run a code from a preprint article, however I keep getting this error: Error in out$outmat : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors.
Is there anyone who can help me, please?

You'll find a screenshot of the error attached, and the link for the different code is this: GitHub - ryanoisin/ComputationalTreatment: Code repository for "Improving Treatments for Mental Disorders using Computational Models"

Kind regards

It is very hard to understand the problem from an image. I can't tell what line is causing the problem. I don't see out$outmat anywhere in the code.
Does this happen with all data files or only one file? Can add print statements in the code to reveal what the values of i and j are when the error happens? You could then manually load the object causing the error and step through the code in the area where it happens.

Please do not send screenshots. They are difficult to work with. They are often very difficult to read. And as @ FJCC says, the screenshot does not seem to show * out$outmat*
It is much better to copy the code and paste it here between


This gives us formatted code that we can copy, paste, and run .

Thank you for your feedback. This is the full code:; 20 July

This file process the raw simulated output found in the /simcode/ folder

As output it creates two files

outfiles.RDS - a list containing baseline and treatment group daily measures

              # as well as information about treatment adherence and heterogeneity

symptoms_out.RDS - a list containing symptom measurements


----------------- Output 1: outfiles.RDS --------------------------------


library(abind) # This package combines multidimensional arrays into a single array
source("C:\Users\adm\OneDrive\Desktop\UMAIA\Projeto Doutoramento\PhD Estudo 2 (Simulações Computacionais com Instrumentos)\Ryan et al. (2024)\1. symptom_functions.R")

function to extract symptoms

explanatory notes for hardcoded time vectors

0:(60247*(5+12)) # 5 weeks treatment + 12 weeks follow up


out_baseline has 4 weeks of data + 1 minute on a minute timescale

60247*4 (mins x hrs x days x weeks) = 40320

40321 in total

out_groupX has 17 weeks + 1 minute

(60247*(5+12)) + 1

symptoms are assessed on a weekly time-scale

getSymptoms <- function(dframe, av_thresh = .5, as_thresh = .4, oldsim = FALSE){

in new simulation, avoidance is "V" rather than "AV" as in the original simulation

if(isTRUE(oldsim)) AV <- "AV" else AV <- "V"

plist <- PanicModel::detectPanic(dframe$AF)

n_panic <- plist$n_panic

q1 ; skip "limited symptom" condition, only recode n_panic to none, 1-2, more than 2 but not once a day, >1 a day

q1_panic <- 0
if(0 < n_panic && n_panic <= 2 ) q1_panic <- 2
if(n_panic > 2 && n_panic <= 7) q1_panic <- 3
if(n_panic > 7) q1_panic <- 4

q2: how distressing were the panic attacks?

assuming severity between 0 and 1

q2_padistress <- NA
q2_distress_cont <- 0
if(n_panic == 0) q2_padistress <- 0
if(n_panic >= 1){
msev <- mean(plist$panic_stats[,"severity"])
if(msev <= .25) q2_padistress <- 1
if(msev > .25 && msev <= .5 ) q2_padistress <- 2
if(msev > .5 && msev <= .75) q2_padistress <- 3
if(.75 < msev) q2_padistress <- 4
q2_distress_cont <- msev

q3: worried or felt anxious about / fear about next panic attack?

pind <- plist$ind_label

find out when the indicator turns on or off

tmp <- which(pind[-1] != pind[-length(pind)]) + 1

find end points of the panic attacks

ends <- tmp[seq(2,length(tmp))]

count two hours from each end point if there was a panic attack

if(n_panic > 0){
# edge case; if there is a single panic attack that starts at the end of the window and doesnt end
if(length(tmp) == 1){
outside_pa <- seq(1:nrow(dframe))[-tmp]
ends + 602
tmp2 <- as.numeric(sapply(ends, function(s){
seq(s, s + 60

  recovery <- rep(0,length(pind))
  recovery[tmp2] <- 1
  # here are the time poitns which are outside panic attacks & recovery periods
  outside_pa <- (pind ==0 & recovery[1:length(pind)] == 0)

} else{
outside_pa <- seq(1:nrow(dframe))
fear_mean <- mean(dframe[outside_pa,"AF"])
avoid_mean <- mean(dframe[outside_pa,AV]) # in new code,

q3_fear_cont <- fear_mean
q3_fear <- NA
if(fear_mean <= .003) q3_fear <- 0
if(fear_mean > .003 && fear_mean <= .005) q3_fear <- 1
if(fear_mean > .005 && fear_mean <= .01 ) q3_fear <- 2
if(fear_mean > .01 && fear_mean <= .02) q3_fear <- 3
if(.02 < fear_mean) q3_fear <- 4

q4: any places or situations you avoided or felt afraid of because of fear of panic?

q4_avoid_cont <- avoid_mean
q4_avoid <- NA
if(avoid_mean <= .01) q4_avoid <- 0
if(avoid_mean > .01 && avoid_mean <= .25) q4_avoid <- 1
if(avoid_mean > .25 && avoid_mean <= .5 ) q4_avoid <- 2
if(avoid_mean > .5 && avoid_mean <= .75) q4_avoid <- 3
if(.75 < avoid_mean) q4_avoid <- 4

q5 - avoid situations. p_C

q5_context_cont <- 1- mean(dframe$p_C)
q5_context <- NA
if( q5_context_cont <= .908) q5_context <- 0
if(.908 < q5_context_cont && q5_context_cont <= .910) q5_context <- 1
if(.910 < q5_context_cont && q5_context_cont <= .990) q5_context <- 2
if(.990 < q5_context_cont && q5_context_cont <= .9915) q5_context <- 3
if(.9915 < q5_context_cont) q5_context <- 4

sumscore <- q1_panic + q2_padistress + q3_fear + q4_avoid + q5_context
out = matrix(c(q1_panic, q2_padistress, q3_fear,q4_avoid, q5_context, sumscore,
n_panic,q2_distress_cont, q3_fear_cont,q4_avoid_cont, q5_context_cont ),1, 11)
colnames(out) <- c("q1_panic", "q2_padistress", "q3_fear", "q4_avoid","q5_context", "sumscore",
"n_panic","q2_distress_cont", "q3_fear_cont", "q4_avoid_cont", "q5_context_cont")


helper function to extract AS information

getAS <- function(l_all){

i know the length of l_all if i combine all baseline + treatment + post-treatment

thats 211682

i sub sample every 20th time point because otherwise the vector is too huge (slow moving so doesn't matter)

outseq <- seq(1, 211682, by = 20)

store <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(l_all), ncol = length(outseq))

for(i in 1:length(l_all)){
dat <- l_all[[i]]$out_baseline$outmat$AS
id <- i
group <- l_all[[i]]$group

datpost <- l_all[[i]]$out_treat$outmat$AS

store[i,] <- c(dat, datpost)[outseq] # kill some of the observations, don't need them



Data Preparation Step 1: Import and Organize Data -----

l_all <- list()
dir <- "C:\Users\adm\OneDrive\Desktop\UMAIA\Projeto Doutoramento\PhD Estudo 2 (Simulações Computacionais com Instrumentos)\Ryan et al. (2024)\Simulation\Output\"
v_files <- list.files(dir)
n_files <- length(v_files)

symptoms <- list(baseline = list(), g1 = list(), g2 = list(),
g3 = list(), g4 = list())

each file contains ~16 "people"

for each person we have a multivariate time series for

baseline + 5 treatment arms

we also have adherence rate (for treatments 3,4 and 5 only)

and a vector of between-person variable values (heter)

we don't need to extract anything else

IDcount <- 1

extract full information for two selected individuals

idsel <- c(25,48,13,20,42,18,16)

first 5 are bt responders, last two are ct responders

for(i in 1:n_files){
tmp <- readRDS(paste0(dir, "IntSim4_Iter", i, ".RDS"))

for(j in 1:length(tmp)){
if(IDcount < 49){
print(paste("file", i, "person",IDcount))
theter <-[[1]]$heter)

# round for size, take the sequence to reflect daily measurements
tout_baseline <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_baseline$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_baseline$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group1 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group1$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group1$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group2 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group2$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group2$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group3 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group3$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group3$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group4 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group4$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group4$outmat), by = 60*24),]

# add an "ID" indicator everywhere
tout_baseline$ID <- tout_group1$ID <- tout_group2$ID <- tout_group3$ID <- tout_group4$ID <- IDcount

# tadher1 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group1$adher;
# tadher2 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group2$adher
tadher3 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group3$adher
tadher4 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group4$adher

theter <-[[j]]$heter); theter$ID <- IDcount

# if this is the first entry, just create output objects
if(i ==1 && j == 1){
  heter <- theter
  out_baseline <- tout_baseline ; out_group1 <- tout_group1 ; out_group2 <- tout_group2
  out_group3 <- tout_group3; out_group4 <- tout_group4
  adher3 <- tadher3
  adher4 <- tadher4

}else{ # otherwise, bind output objects together
  heter <- rbind(heter,theter)
  out_baseline <- rbind(out_baseline, tout_baseline)
  out_group1 <- rbind(out_group1, tout_group1)
  out_group2 <- rbind(out_group2, tout_group2)
  out_group3 <- rbind(out_group3, tout_group3)
  out_group4 <- rbind(out_group4, tout_group4)
  adher3 <- rbind(adher3, tadher3)
  adher4 <- rbind(adher4, tadher4)

Create Symptoms Output

  for(q in 1:5){              # Temos 5 grupos: baseline, control, cognitive, behavioural, and CBT
    dframe  <- tmp[[j]][[1+q]]$outmat
    wind <- seq(1,nrow(dframe), 10080)
    nw <- length(wind) -1 # number of weeks

    weeks <- cbind(wind[1:nw], wind[2:(nw +1)])

    outid <- cbind(t(apply(weeks,1,function(r){

    colnames(outid)[1:11] <- c("q1_panic", "q2_padistress", "q3_fear", "q4_avoid","q5_context", "sumscore",
                               "n_panic","q2_distress_cont", "q3_fear_cont", "q4_avoid_cont", "q5_context_cont")

      symptoms[[q]][[IDcount]] <- outid

  } # end treatment arm loop

}# end of if

# Additional: If selected participant ID, save all data
if(IDcount %in% idsel){
  baseline <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_baseline$outmat,2)
  control <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group1$outmat,2)
  ct <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group2$outmat,2)
  bt <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group3$outmat,2)
  cbt <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group4$outmat,2)
  saveRDS(list(baseline = baseline, control = control, ct = ct, bt = bt, cbt = cbt),
          file = paste0("C:\\Users\\adm\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\UMAIA\\Projeto Doutoramento\\PhD Estudo 2 (Simulações Computacionais com Instrumentos)\\Ryan et al. (2024)\\Files\\data_id",idsel[idsel == IDcount],".RDS")
} # end if sub selection
IDcount <- IDcount + 1

} # end of loop through list
rm(tmp) # tidy -up (probably makes no difference except a slight slow down)

n_id <- IDcount - 1

now merge some of these files together into arrays

out_treat <- abind(out_group1,out_group2, out_group3, out_group4,out_group5, along = 3)
adher <- list(NULL, NULL,adher3,adher4, adher5)

save files

saveRDS(list(out_baseline = out_baseline,
out_treat = out_treat,
adher = adher,
heter = heter),
file = "Files/outfiles.RDS")

save symptom file

saveRDS(symptoms, file = "Files/symptoms_out.RDS")


Thank you for your feedback. Here's the full code:

Thank you for your feedback. This is the full code:; 20 July

This file process the raw simulated output found in the /simcode/ folder

As output it creates two files

outfiles.RDS - a list containing baseline and treatment group daily measures

              # as well as information about treatment adherence and heterogeneity

symptoms_out.RDS - a list containing symptom measurements


----------------- Output 1: outfiles.RDS --------------------------------


library(abind) # This package combines multidimensional arrays into a single array
source("C:\Users\adm\OneDrive\Desktop\UMAIA\Projeto Doutoramento\PhD Estudo 2 (Simulações Computacionais com Instrumentos)\Ryan et al. (2024)\1. symptom_functions.R")

function to extract symptoms

explanatory notes for hardcoded time vectors

0:(60247*(5+12)) # 5 weeks treatment + 12 weeks follow up


out_baseline has 4 weeks of data + 1 minute on a minute timescale

60247*4 (mins x hrs x days x weeks) = 40320

40321 in total

out_groupX has 17 weeks + 1 minute

(60247*(5+12)) + 1

symptoms are assessed on a weekly time-scale

getSymptoms <- function(dframe, av_thresh = .5, as_thresh = .4, oldsim = FALSE){

in new simulation, avoidance is "V" rather than "AV" as in the original simulation

if(isTRUE(oldsim)) AV <- "AV" else AV <- "V"

plist <- PanicModel::detectPanic(dframe$AF)

n_panic <- plist$n_panic

q1 ; skip "limited symptom" condition, only recode n_panic to none, 1-2, more than 2 but not once a day, >1 a day

q1_panic <- 0
if(0 < n_panic && n_panic <= 2 ) q1_panic <- 2
if(n_panic > 2 && n_panic <= 7) q1_panic <- 3
if(n_panic > 7) q1_panic <- 4

q2: how distressing were the panic attacks?

assuming severity between 0 and 1

q2_padistress <- NA
q2_distress_cont <- 0
if(n_panic == 0) q2_padistress <- 0
if(n_panic >= 1){
msev <- mean(plist$panic_stats[,"severity"])
if(msev <= .25) q2_padistress <- 1
if(msev > .25 && msev <= .5 ) q2_padistress <- 2
if(msev > .5 && msev <= .75) q2_padistress <- 3
if(.75 < msev) q2_padistress <- 4
q2_distress_cont <- msev

q3: worried or felt anxious about / fear about next panic attack?

pind <- plist$ind_label

find out when the indicator turns on or off

tmp <- which(pind[-1] != pind[-length(pind)]) + 1

find end points of the panic attacks

ends <- tmp[seq(2,length(tmp))]

count two hours from each end point if there was a panic attack

if(n_panic > 0){
# edge case; if there is a single panic attack that starts at the end of the window and doesnt end
if(length(tmp) == 1){
outside_pa <- seq(1:nrow(dframe))[-tmp]
ends + 602
tmp2 <- as.numeric(sapply(ends, function(s){
seq(s, s + 60

  recovery <- rep(0,length(pind))
  recovery[tmp2] <- 1
  # here are the time poitns which are outside panic attacks & recovery periods
  outside_pa <- (pind ==0 & recovery[1:length(pind)] == 0)

} else{
outside_pa <- seq(1:nrow(dframe))
fear_mean <- mean(dframe[outside_pa,"AF"])
avoid_mean <- mean(dframe[outside_pa,AV]) # in new code,

q3_fear_cont <- fear_mean
q3_fear <- NA
if(fear_mean <= .003) q3_fear <- 0
if(fear_mean > .003 && fear_mean <= .005) q3_fear <- 1
if(fear_mean > .005 && fear_mean <= .01 ) q3_fear <- 2
if(fear_mean > .01 && fear_mean <= .02) q3_fear <- 3
if(.02 < fear_mean) q3_fear <- 4

q4: any places or situations you avoided or felt afraid of because of fear of panic?

q4_avoid_cont <- avoid_mean
q4_avoid <- NA
if(avoid_mean <= .01) q4_avoid <- 0
if(avoid_mean > .01 && avoid_mean <= .25) q4_avoid <- 1
if(avoid_mean > .25 && avoid_mean <= .5 ) q4_avoid <- 2
if(avoid_mean > .5 && avoid_mean <= .75) q4_avoid <- 3
if(.75 < avoid_mean) q4_avoid <- 4

q5 - avoid situations. p_C

q5_context_cont <- 1- mean(dframe$p_C)
q5_context <- NA
if( q5_context_cont <= .908) q5_context <- 0
if(.908 < q5_context_cont && q5_context_cont <= .910) q5_context <- 1
if(.910 < q5_context_cont && q5_context_cont <= .990) q5_context <- 2
if(.990 < q5_context_cont && q5_context_cont <= .9915) q5_context <- 3
if(.9915 < q5_context_cont) q5_context <- 4

sumscore <- q1_panic + q2_padistress + q3_fear + q4_avoid + q5_context
out = matrix(c(q1_panic, q2_padistress, q3_fear,q4_avoid, q5_context, sumscore,
n_panic,q2_distress_cont, q3_fear_cont,q4_avoid_cont, q5_context_cont ),1, 11)
colnames(out) <- c("q1_panic", "q2_padistress", "q3_fear", "q4_avoid","q5_context", "sumscore",
"n_panic","q2_distress_cont", "q3_fear_cont", "q4_avoid_cont", "q5_context_cont")


helper function to extract AS information

getAS <- function(l_all){

i know the length of l_all if i combine all baseline + treatment + post-treatment

thats 211682

i sub sample every 20th time point because otherwise the vector is too huge (slow moving so doesn't matter)

outseq <- seq(1, 211682, by = 20)

store <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(l_all), ncol = length(outseq))

for(i in 1:length(l_all)){
dat <- l_all[[i]]$out_baseline$outmat$AS
id <- i
group <- l_all[[i]]$group

datpost <- l_all[[i]]$out_treat$outmat$AS

store[i,] <- c(dat, datpost)[outseq] # kill some of the observations, don't need them



Data Preparation Step 1: Import and Organize Data -----

l_all <- list()
dir <- "C:\Users\adm\OneDrive\Desktop\UMAIA\Projeto Doutoramento\PhD Estudo 2 (Simulações Computacionais com Instrumentos)\Ryan et al. (2024)\Simulation\Output\"
v_files <- list.files(dir)
n_files <- length(v_files)

symptoms <- list(baseline = list(), g1 = list(), g2 = list(),
g3 = list(), g4 = list())

each file contains ~16 "people"

for each person we have a multivariate time series for

baseline + 5 treatment arms

we also have adherence rate (for treatments 3,4 and 5 only)

and a vector of between-person variable values (heter)

we don't need to extract anything else

IDcount <- 1

extract full information for two selected individuals

idsel <- c(25,48,13,20,42,18,16)

first 5 are bt responders, last two are ct responders

for(i in 1:n_files){
tmp <- readRDS(paste0(dir, "IntSim4_Iter", i, ".RDS"))

for(j in 1:length(tmp)){
if(IDcount < 49){
print(paste("file", i, "person",IDcount))
theter <-[[1]]$heter)

# round for size, take the sequence to reflect daily measurements
tout_baseline <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_baseline$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_baseline$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group1 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group1$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group1$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group2 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group2$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group2$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group3 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group3$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group3$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group4 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group4$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group4$outmat), by = 60*24),]

# add an "ID" indicator everywhere
tout_baseline$ID <- tout_group1$ID <- tout_group2$ID <- tout_group3$ID <- tout_group4$ID <- IDcount

# tadher1 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group1$adher;
# tadher2 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group2$adher
tadher3 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group3$adher
tadher4 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group4$adher

theter <-[[j]]$heter); theter$ID <- IDcount

# if this is the first entry, just create output objects
if(i ==1 && j == 1){
  heter <- theter
  out_baseline <- tout_baseline ; out_group1 <- tout_group1 ; out_group2 <- tout_group2
  out_group3 <- tout_group3; out_group4 <- tout_group4
  adher3 <- tadher3
  adher4 <- tadher4

}else{ # otherwise, bind output objects together
  heter <- rbind(heter,theter)
  out_baseline <- rbind(out_baseline, tout_baseline)
  out_group1 <- rbind(out_group1, tout_group1)
  out_group2 <- rbind(out_group2, tout_group2)
  out_group3 <- rbind(out_group3, tout_group3)
  out_group4 <- rbind(out_group4, tout_group4)
  adher3 <- rbind(adher3, tadher3)
  adher4 <- rbind(adher4, tadher4)

Create Symptoms Output

  for(q in 1:5){              # Temos 5 grupos: baseline, control, cognitive, behavioural, and CBT
    dframe  <- tmp[[j]][[1+q]]$outmat
    wind <- seq(1,nrow(dframe), 10080)
    nw <- length(wind) -1 # number of weeks

    weeks <- cbind(wind[1:nw], wind[2:(nw +1)])

    outid <- cbind(t(apply(weeks,1,function(r){

    colnames(outid)[1:11] <- c("q1_panic", "q2_padistress", "q3_fear", "q4_avoid","q5_context", "sumscore",
                               "n_panic","q2_distress_cont", "q3_fear_cont", "q4_avoid_cont", "q5_context_cont")

      symptoms[[q]][[IDcount]] <- outid

  } # end treatment arm loop

}# end of if

# Additional: If selected participant ID, save all data
if(IDcount %in% idsel){
  baseline <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_baseline$outmat,2)
  control <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group1$outmat,2)
  ct <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group2$outmat,2)
  bt <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group3$outmat,2)
  cbt <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group4$outmat,2)
  saveRDS(list(baseline = baseline, control = control, ct = ct, bt = bt, cbt = cbt),
          file = paste0("C:\\Users\\adm\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\UMAIA\\Projeto Doutoramento\\PhD Estudo 2 (Simulações Computacionais com Instrumentos)\\Ryan et al. (2024)\\Files\\data_id",idsel[idsel == IDcount],".RDS")
} # end if sub selection
IDcount <- IDcount + 1

} # end of loop through list
rm(tmp) # tidy -up (probably makes no difference except a slight slow down)

n_id <- IDcount - 1

now merge some of these files together into arrays

out_treat <- abind(out_group1,out_group2, out_group3, out_group4,out_group5, along = 3)
adher <- list(NULL, NULL,adher3,adher4, adher5)

save files

saveRDS(list(out_baseline = out_baseline,
out_treat = out_treat,
adher = adher,
heter = heter),
file = "Files/outfiles.RDS")

save symptom file

saveRDS(symptoms, file = "Files/symptoms_out.RDS")


Aha! I finally found the elusive outmat or I think I have. Starting on line 102 we see

for(i in 1:length(l_all)){
  dat <- l_all[[i]]$out_baseline$outmat$AS
  id <- i
  group <- l_all[[i]]$group
  datpost <- l_all[[i]]$out_treat$outmat$AS

I still cannot find out$outmat.

Is it possible for us to get some sample data so we can walk through the code?

A handy way to supply data is to use the dput() function. Do dput(mydata) where "mydata" is the name of your dataset. For really large datasets probably dput(head(mydata, 100)) will do. Paste the output between


I have had a quick look at your code and removed some comments to, I hope, make it easier, to read for us outsiders. See below. However, i am running into a problem on line 119

dir <- "C:\Users\adm\OneDrive\Desktop\UMAIA\Projeto Doutoramento\PhD Estudo 2 (Simulações Computacionais com Instrumentos)\Ryan et al. (2024)\Simulation\Output\"

For some reason, the lines below are being considered to be text. It looks like a missing


but I cannot find it

Modified Code

source("C:\Users\adm\OneDrive\Desktop\UMAIA\Projeto Doutoramento\PhD Estudo 2 (Simulações Computacionais com Instrumentos)\Ryan et al. (2024)\1. symptom_functions.R")

## function to extract symptoms

getSymptoms <- function(dframe, av_thresh = .5, as_thresh = .4, oldsim = FALSE){
if(isTRUE(oldsim)) AV <- "AV" else AV <- "V"
plist <- PanicModel::detectPanic(dframe$AF)
n_panic <- plist$n_panic

## q1 ; skip "limited symptom" condition, only recode n_panic to none, 1-2, more than 2 but not once a day, >1 a day
## q1_panic <- 0
if(0 < n_panic && n_panic <= 2 ) q1_panic <- 2
if(n_panic > 2 && n_panic <= 7) q1_panic <- 3
if(n_panic > 7) q1_panic <- 4

## q2: how distressing were the panic attacks? Assuming severity between 0 and 1
q2_padistress <- NA
q2_distress_cont <- 0
if(n_panic == 0) q2_padistress <- 0
if(n_panic >= 1){
msev <- mean(plist$panic_stats[,"severity"])
if(msev <= .25) q2_padistress <- 1
if(msev > .25 && msev <= .5 ) q2_padistress <- 2
if(msev > .5 && msev <= .75) q2_padistress <- 3
if(.75 < msev) q2_padistress <- 4
q2_distress_cont <- msev

## q3: worried or felt anxious about / fear about next panic attack?
pind <- plist$ind_label
tmp <- which(pind[-1] != pind[-length(pind)]) + 1
ends <- tmp[seq(2,length(tmp))]

## count two hours from each end point if there was a panic attack
if(n_panic > 0){
# edge case; if there is a single panic attack that starts at the end of the window and doesn't end
if(length(tmp) == 1){
outside_pa <- seq(1:nrow(dframe))[-tmp]
ends + 602
tmp2 <- as.numeric(sapply(ends, function(s){
seq(s, s + 602,1)

  recovery <- rep(0,length(pind))
  recovery[tmp2] <- 1
  # here are the time poitns which are outside panic attacks & recovery periods
  outside_pa <- (pind ==0 & recovery[1:length(pind)] == 0)
} else{
outside_pa <- seq(1:nrow(dframe))
fear_mean <- mean(dframe[outside_pa,"AF"])
avoid_mean <- mean(dframe[outside_pa,AV]) # in new code,

## q3_fear_cont <- fear_mean
q3_fear <- NA
if(fear_mean <= .003) q3_fear <- 0
if(fear_mean > .003 && fear_mean <= .005) q3_fear <- 1
if(fear_mean > .005 && fear_mean <= .01 ) q3_fear <- 2
if(fear_mean > .01 && fear_mean <= .02) q3_fear <- 3
if(.02 < fear_mean) q3_fear <- 4

## q4: any places or situations you avoided or felt afraid of because of fear of panic?
q4_avoid_cont <- avoid_mean
q4_avoid <- NA
if(avoid_mean <= .01) q4_avoid <- 0
if(avoid_mean > .01 && avoid_mean <= .25) q4_avoid <- 1
if(avoid_mean > .25 && avoid_mean <= .5 ) q4_avoid <- 2
if(avoid_mean > .5 && avoid_mean <= .75) q4_avoid <- 3
if(.75 < avoid_mean) q4_avoid <- 4

## q5 - avoid situations. p_C
q5_context_cont <- 1- mean(dframe$p_C)
q5_context <- NA
if( q5_context_cont <= .908) q5_context <- 0
if(.908 < q5_context_cont && q5_context_cont <= .910) q5_context <- 1
if(.910 < q5_context_cont && q5_context_cont <= .990) q5_context <- 2
if(.990 < q5_context_cont && q5_context_cont <= .9915) q5_context <- 3
if(.9915 < q5_context_cont) q5_context <- 4

sumscore <- q1_panic + q2_padistress + q3_fear + q4_avoid + q5_context
out = matrix(c(q1_panic, q2_padistress, q3_fear,q4_avoid, q5_context, sumscore,
n_panic,q2_distress_cont, q3_fear_cont,q4_avoid_cont, q5_context_cont ),1, 11)
colnames(out) <- c("q1_panic", "q2_padistress", "q3_fear", "q4_avoid","q5_context", "sumscore",
"n_panic","q2_distress_cont", "q3_fear_cont", "q4_avoid_cont", "q5_context_cont")


## helper function to extract AS information
getAS <- function(l_all){
outseq <- seq(1, 211682, by = 20)

store <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(l_all), ncol = length(outseq))

for(i in 1:length(l_all)){
  dat <- l_all[[i]]$out_baseline$outmat$AS
  id <- i
  group <- l_all[[i]]$group
  datpost <- l_all[[i]]$out_treat$outmat$AS
  store[i,] <- c(dat, datpost)[outseq] # kill some of the observations, don't need them


## Data Preparation Step 1: Import and Organize Data -----

  l_all <- list()

## dir <- "C:\Users\adm\OneDrive\Desktop\UMAIA\Projeto Doutoramento\PhD Estudo 2 (Simulações Computacionais com Instrumentos)\Ryan et al. (2024)\Simulation\Output\"

v_files <- list.files(dir)
n_files <- length(v_files)

symptoms <- list(baseline = list(), g1 = list(), g2 = list(),
g3 = list(), g4 = list())

IDcount <- 1

## extract full information for two selected individuals

idsel <- c(25,48,13,20,42,18,16)

## first 5 are bt responders, last two are ct responders
for(i in 1:n_files){
tmp <- readRDS(paste0(dir, "IntSim4_Iter", i, ".RDS"))

for(j in 1:length(tmp)){
if(IDcount < 49){
print(paste("file", i, "person",IDcount))
theter <-[[1]]$heter)

## round for size, take the sequence to reflect daily measurements
tout_baseline <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_baseline$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_baseline$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group1 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group1$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group1$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group2 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group2$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group2$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group3 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group3$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group3$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group4 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group4$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group4$outmat), by = 60*24),]

# add an "ID" indicator everywhere
tout_baseline$ID <- tout_group1$ID <- tout_group2$ID <- tout_group3$ID <- tout_group4$ID <- IDcount

# tadher1 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group1$adher;
# tadher2 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group2$adher
tadher3 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group3$adher
tadher4 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group4$adher

theter <-[[j]]$heter); theter$ID <- IDcount

# if this is the first entry, just create output objects
if(i ==1 && j == 1){
  heter <- theter
  out_baseline <- tout_baseline ; out_group1 <- tout_group1 ; out_group2 <- tout_group2
  out_group3 <- tout_group3; out_group4 <- tout_group4
  adher3 <- tadher3
  adher4 <- tadher4

}else{ # otherwise, bind output objects together
  heter <- rbind(heter,theter)
  out_baseline <- rbind(out_baseline, tout_baseline)
  out_group1 <- rbind(out_group1, tout_group1)
  out_group2 <- rbind(out_group2, tout_group2)
  out_group3 <- rbind(out_group3, tout_group3)
  out_group4 <- rbind(out_group4, tout_group4)
  adher3 <- rbind(adher3, tadher3)
  adher4 <- rbind(adher4, tadher4)

## Create Symptoms Output
  for(q in 1:5){              # Temos 5 grupos: baseline, control, cognitive, behavioural, and CBT
    dframe  <- tmp[[j]][[1+q]]$outmat
    wind <- seq(1,nrow(dframe), 10080)
    nw <- length(wind) -1 # number of weeks

    weeks <- cbind(wind[1:nw], wind[2:(nw +1)])

    outid <- cbind(t(apply(weeks,1,function(r){

    colnames(outid)[1:11] <- c("q1_panic", "q2_padistress", "q3_fear", "q4_avoid","q5_context", "sumscore",
                               "n_panic","q2_distress_cont", "q3_fear_cont", "q4_avoid_cont", "q5_context_cont")

      symptoms[[q]][[IDcount]] <- outid

  } # end treatment arm loop

}# end of if

# Additional: If selected participant ID, save all data
if(IDcount %in% idsel){
  baseline <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_baseline$outmat,2)
  control <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group1$outmat,2)
  ct <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group2$outmat,2)
  bt <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group3$outmat,2)
  cbt <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group4$outmat,2)
  saveRDS(list(baseline = baseline, control = control, ct = ct, bt = bt, cbt = cbt),
  file = paste0("C:\\Users\\adm\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\UMAIA\\Projeto Doutoramento\\PhD Estudo 2 (Simulações Computacionais com Instrumentos)\\Ryan et al. (2024)\\Files\\data_id",idsel[idsel == IDcount],".RDS")
} # end if sub selection
IDcount <- IDcount + 1
} # end of loop through list
rm(tmp) # tidy -up (probably makes no difference except a slight slow down)

n_id <- IDcount - 1

# now merge some of these files together into arrays
out_treat <- abind(out_group1,out_group2, out_group3, out_group4,out_group5, along = 3)
adher <- list(NULL, NULL,adher3,adher4, adher5)

# save files
saveRDS(list(out_baseline = out_baseline,
out_treat = out_treat,
adher = adher,
heter = heter),
file = "Files/outfiles.RDS")

## save symptom file
saveRDS(symptoms, file = "Files/symptoms_out.RDS")


Thank you. In short, there are other previous codes that may be important for you to understand.
First, we have this code:; Feb 11, 2023


---------- Get Iteration Number ------------------------------


!/usr/bin/env Rscript

iter <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
iter <- as.numeric(iter)


----- Load Packages --------------------------------------------------


Panic Model Sim





----- Specify Treatments ---------------------------------------------


Updated based on info from Don on June 15

l_tx <- list()

baseline_weeks <- 0
baseline_days <- 1

Control group (no intervention)

l_tx[[1]] <- list("I1" = NULL, # Psychoeducation -> AS
"I2" = NULL, # Psychoeducation -> ES
"I3" = NULL, # Cognitive restructuring -> AS
"I4" = NULL, # Interoceptive Exposure -> A, E
"I5" = NULL) # In vivo exposure -> Context


l_tx[[2]] <- list("I1" = baseline_days+baseline_weeks7+c(1), # Psychoeducation -> AS
"I2" = baseline_days+baseline_weeks
7+c(1), # Psychoeducation -> ES
"I3" = (baseline_days+baseline_weeks+(1:4)*7)+c(1), # Cognitive restructuring -> AS
"I4" = NULL, # Interoceptive Exposure -> A, E
"I5" = NULL) # In vivo exposure -> Context


l_tx[[3]] <- list("I1" = baseline_days+baseline_weeks7+c(1), # Psychoeducation -> AS
"I2" = baseline_days+baseline_weeks
7+c(1), # Psychoeducation -> ES
"I3" = NULL, # Cognitive restructuring -> AS
"I4" = baseline_days+c((baseline_weeks+1)*7+1:28), # Interoceptive Exposure -> A, E
"I5" = baseline_days+(baseline_weeks+3)*7+(1:14)[rep(c(TRUE,TRUE), 7)]) # In vivo exposure -> Context

Cognitive + Behavioral

l_tx[[4]] <- list("I1" = baseline_days+baseline_weeks7+c(1), # Psychoeducation -> AS
"I2" = baseline_days+baseline_weeks
7+c(1), # Psychoeducation -> ES
"I3" = (baseline_days+baseline_weeks+(1:2)*7)+c(1), # Cognitive restructuring -> AS
"I4" = baseline_days+c((baseline_weeks+1)*7+1:28), # Interoceptive Exposure -> A, E
"I5" = baseline_days+(baseline_weeks+3)*7+(1:14)[rep(c(TRUE,TRUE), 7)]) # In vivo exposure -> Context

NEW Cognitive + Behavioral [with focus on Escape]

l_tx[[5]] <- list("I1"=baseline_days+baseline_weeks7+c(1),
"I2"=(baseline_days+baseline_weeks+(0:2)7)+c(1), # Psychoeducation + Self-efficacy Training --> ES: Session 1-3
"I3"=NULL, # Cog Restructure --> AS: NULL
"I5"=baseline_days+(baseline_weeks+3)*7+(1:14)[rep(c(TRUE,TRUE), 7)])


----- Iterate --------------------------------------------------------


----- Iterating -----

Setup Parallelization

cluster <- 16
cl <- makeCluster(cluster, outfile="")

timer_total <- proc.time()[3]


out_iter <- foreach(batch = 1:16,
.packages = c("PanicModel"),
.export = c("l_tx"),
.verbose = TRUE) %dopar% {

                  # ----- Inter-individual differences / initial values ------

                  # Arousal Schema & Escape Schema initial values
                  N <- 20 # making sure at least one is valid (see below)
                  AS_init <- rnorm(n=N, .8, .1) # creates ~20% panic attacks (matched to lifetime prevalence)
                  AS_initth <- AS_init[AS_init<=1 & AS_init>=0]
                  AS_init <- AS_initth[1]
                  ES_init <- rnorm(n=N, .2, .1)
                  ES_initth <- ES_init[ES_init<=1 & ES_init>=0]
                  ES_init <- ES_initth[1]

                  initial_spec <- list("S" = AS_init,
                                       "X" = ES_init)

                  # ----- Treatment response parameters -----

                  # From Don: 28th April:
                  pars_spec <- list("Tx" = list("I123_alpha" = rbeta(n=1, 1, 9),
                                                "I4Adh" = rbeta(n=1, 3, 2),
                                                "I4RdEs" = rbeta(n=1, 3, 2)))

                  # ----- Simulate ------

                  time0 <- 0:(60*24*7*4) # 4 week baseline

                  # Simulate
                  out_0 <- simPanic(time = time0,
                                    stepsize = .001,
                                    parameters = pars_spec,
                                    initial = initial_spec,
                                    pbar = FALSE)

                  # Round to 3 decimals to save disk space
                  out_0$outmat <- round(out_0$outmat, 3)

                  # --- Feed last values of baseline in as initial values ---
                  last_row <- out_0$outmat[nrow(out_0$outmat), ]
                  initial_spec2 <- list("A" = last_row$A,
                                        "S" = last_row$S,
                                        "H" = last_row$H,
                                        "PT" = last_row$PT,
                                        "E" = last_row$E,
                                        "X" = last_row$X)

                  # --- make batch specific seed ----
                  seed_batch <- as.numeric(paste0(iter, 999, batch))

                  # ----- Loop through 4 Treatment arms -----

                  l_out <- list()

                  time1 <- 0:(60*24*7*(5+12)) # 5 weeks treatment + 12 weeks follow up

                  for(group in 1:5) {

                    # ----- Simulate Control vs. Treatments -----

                    set.seed(seed_batch) # random input constant across treatment arms/groups

                    # Simulate
                    out_x <- simPanic(time = time1,
                                      stepsize = .001,
                                      parameters = pars_spec,
                                      initial = initial_spec2,
                                      tx = l_tx[[group]],
                                      pbar = FALSE)

                    # Round to 3 decimals to save disk space
                    out_x$outmat <- round(out_x$outmat, 3)
                    l_out[[group]] <- out_x

                  } # end for: group

                  # ----- Return ------

                  outlist <- list("heter" = list("S" = AS_init,
                                                 "X" = ES_init,
                                                 "I123_alpha" = pars_spec$Tx$I123_alpha,
                                                 "I4Adh" = pars_spec$Tx$I4Adh,
                                                 "I4RdEs" = pars_spec$Tx$I4RdEs),
                                  "out_baseline" = out_0,
                                  "out_group1" = l_out[[1]],
                                  "out_group2" = l_out[[2]],
                                  "out_group3" = l_out[[3]],
                                  "out_group4" = l_out[[4]],
                                  "out_group5" = l_out[[5]],
                                  "batchseed" = seed_batch)


                } # end foreach

print total time of nodes

print(paste0("Full Timing Iteration ", iter, ":"))
proc.time()[3] - timer_total



----- Export ---------------------------------------------------------



saveRDS(out_iter, file = paste0("IntSim6_Iter", iter, ".RDS"))

This code creates minute-to-minute data. After running, this code will generate an RDS File (for an example of an RDS File please see: OSF).

Thus, when running the code I gave you, called sim_preprocess.R, which contains functions to map the minute-to-minute data of components, it is suppose to convert it to weekly symptom scores, and create other processed output. To remind, this the code sim_preprocess.R:; 20 July

This file process the raw simulated output found in the /simcode/ folder

As output it creates two files

outfiles.RDS - a list containing baseline and treatment group daily measures

              # as well as information about treatment adherence and heterogeneity

symptoms_out.RDS - a list containing symptom measurements


----------------- Output 1: outfiles.RDS --------------------------------



Data Preparation Step 1: Import and Organize Data -----

l_all <- list()
dir <- "Simulation/output/"
v_files <- list.files(dir)
n_files <- length(v_files)

symptoms <- list(baseline = list(), g1 = list(), g2 = list(),
g3 = list(), g4 = list(), g5 = list())

each file contains ~16 "people"

for each person we have a multivariate time series for

baseline + 5 treatment arms

we also have adherence rate (for treatments 3,4 and 5 only)

and a vector of between-person variable values (heter)

we don't need to extract anything else

IDcount <- 1

extract full information for two selected individuals

idsel <- c(25,55,133,207,429,134,168)

first 5 are bt responders, last two are ct responders

for(i in 1:n_files){
tmp <- readRDS(paste0(dir, "IntSim6_Iter", i, ".RDS"))

for(j in 1:length(tmp)){
if(IDcount < 501){
print(paste("file", i, "person",IDcount))
theter <-[[1]]$heter)

# round for size, take the sequence to reflect daily measurements
tout_baseline <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_baseline$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_baseline$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group1 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group1$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group1$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group2 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group2$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group2$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group3 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group3$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group3$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group4 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group4$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group4$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group5 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group5$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group5$outmat), by = 60*24),]

# add an "ID" indicator everywhere
tout_baseline$ID <- tout_group1$ID <- tout_group2$ID <- tout_group3$ID <- tout_group4$ID <- tout_group5$ID <- IDcount

# tadher1 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group1$adher;
# tadher2 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group2$adher
tadher3 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group3$adher
tadher4 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group4$adher
tadher5 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group5$adher

theter <-[[j]]$heter); theter$ID <- IDcount

# if this is the first entry, just create output objects
if(i ==1 && j == 1){
  heter <- theter
  out_baseline <- tout_baseline ; out_group1 <- tout_group1 ; out_group2 <- tout_group2
  out_group3 <- tout_group3; out_group4 <- tout_group4 ; out_group5 <- tout_group5
  adher3 <- tadher3
  adher4 <- tadher4
  adher5 <- tadher5

}else{ # otherwise, bind output objects together
  heter <- rbind(heter,theter)
  out_baseline <- rbind(out_baseline, tout_baseline)
  out_group1 <- rbind(out_group1, tout_group1)
  out_group2 <- rbind(out_group2, tout_group2)
  out_group3 <- rbind(out_group3, tout_group3)
  out_group4 <- rbind(out_group4, tout_group4)
  out_group5 <- rbind(out_group5, tout_group5)
  adher3 <- rbind(adher3, tadher3)
  adher4 <- rbind(adher4, tadher4)
  adher5 <- rbind(adher5, tadher5)

Create Symptoms Output

  for(q in 1:6){
    dframe  <- tmp[[j]][[1+q]]$outmat
    wind <- seq(1,nrow(dframe), 10080)
    nw <- length(wind) -1 # number of weeks

    weeks <- cbind(wind[1:nw], wind[2:(nw +1)])

    outid <- cbind(t(apply(weeks,1,function(r){

    colnames(outid)[1:11] <- c("q1_panic", "q2_padistress", "q3_fear", "q4_avoid","q5_context", "sumscore",
                               "n_panic","q2_distress_cont", "q3_fear_cont", "q4_avoid_cont", "q5_context_cont")

      symptoms[[q]][[IDcount]] <- outid

  } # end treatment arm loop

}# end of if

# Additional: If selected participant ID, save all data
if(IDcount %in% idsel){
  baseline <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_baseline$outmat,2)
  control <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group1$outmat,2)
  ct <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group2$outmat,2)
  bt <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group3$outmat,2)
  cbt <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group4$outmat,2)
  saveRDS(list(baseline = baseline, control = control, ct = ct, bt = bt, cbt = cbt),
          file = paste0("Files/data_id",idsel[idsel == IDcount],".RDS")
} # end if sub selection
IDcount <- IDcount + 1

} # end of loop through list
rm(tmp) # tidy -up (probably makes no difference except a slight slow down)

n_id <- IDcount - 1

now merge some of these files together into arrays

out_treat <- abind(out_group1,out_group2, out_group3, out_group4,out_group5, along = 3)
adher <- list(NULL, NULL,adher3,adher4, adher5)

save files

saveRDS(list(out_baseline = out_baseline,
out_treat = out_treat,
adher = adher,
heter = heter),
file = "Files/outfiles.RDS")

save symptom file

saveRDS(symptoms, file = "Files/symptoms_out.RDS")


So far, I have no idea what is happening.

Is all tins code from one program? Is not how complete is it.

In that second batch of code we have

l_tx[[2]] <- list("I1" = baseline_days+baseline_weeks7+c(1)

but there is no indication where c1 is coming from.

I think we need to see some cleaned-up, proberly formatted code than is complete esough to run on its own and. if possible some sample data. If the data is confidential, some made-up data should do. We do not, in all likelyhood, care about the actual data as much as the format of the data.

It's all here, I think? GitHub - ryanoisin/ComputationalTreatment: Code repository for "Improving Treatments for Mental Disorders using Computational Models"

Thanks.I don't know how I did it but I checked the ryanoisin site and totally missed it. I was poking around something else and muttering.

That's right, that's the code I'm working on

I'd suggest that you post your fork of that repository, so we can see what you're doing. FWIW, The original repository fails for me, but for different reasons.