Thank you. In short, there are other previous codes that may be important for you to understand.
First, we have this code:
---------- Get Iteration Number ------------------------------
!/usr/bin/env Rscript
iter <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
iter <- as.numeric(iter)
----- Load Packages --------------------------------------------------
Panic Model Sim
----- Specify Treatments ---------------------------------------------
Updated based on info from Don on June 15
l_tx <- list()
baseline_weeks <- 0
baseline_days <- 1
Control group (no intervention)
l_tx[[1]] <- list("I1" = NULL, # Psychoeducation -> AS
"I2" = NULL, # Psychoeducation -> ES
"I3" = NULL, # Cognitive restructuring -> AS
"I4" = NULL, # Interoceptive Exposure -> A, E
"I5" = NULL) # In vivo exposure -> Context
l_tx[[2]] <- list("I1" = baseline_days+baseline_weeks7+c(1), # Psychoeducation -> AS
"I2" = baseline_days+baseline_weeks7+c(1), # Psychoeducation -> ES
"I3" = (baseline_days+baseline_weeks+(1:4)*7)+c(1), # Cognitive restructuring -> AS
"I4" = NULL, # Interoceptive Exposure -> A, E
"I5" = NULL) # In vivo exposure -> Context
l_tx[[3]] <- list("I1" = baseline_days+baseline_weeks7+c(1), # Psychoeducation -> AS
"I2" = baseline_days+baseline_weeks7+c(1), # Psychoeducation -> ES
"I3" = NULL, # Cognitive restructuring -> AS
"I4" = baseline_days+c((baseline_weeks+1)*7+1:28), # Interoceptive Exposure -> A, E
"I5" = baseline_days+(baseline_weeks+3)*7+(1:14)[rep(c(TRUE,TRUE), 7)]) # In vivo exposure -> Context
Cognitive + Behavioral
l_tx[[4]] <- list("I1" = baseline_days+baseline_weeks7+c(1), # Psychoeducation -> AS
"I2" = baseline_days+baseline_weeks7+c(1), # Psychoeducation -> ES
"I3" = (baseline_days+baseline_weeks+(1:2)*7)+c(1), # Cognitive restructuring -> AS
"I4" = baseline_days+c((baseline_weeks+1)*7+1:28), # Interoceptive Exposure -> A, E
"I5" = baseline_days+(baseline_weeks+3)*7+(1:14)[rep(c(TRUE,TRUE), 7)]) # In vivo exposure -> Context
NEW Cognitive + Behavioral [with focus on Escape]
l_tx[[5]] <- list("I1"=baseline_days+baseline_weeks7+c(1),
"I2"=(baseline_days+baseline_weeks+(0:2)7)+c(1), # Psychoeducation + Self-efficacy Training --> ES: Session 1-3
"I3"=NULL, # Cog Restructure --> AS: NULL
"I5"=baseline_days+(baseline_weeks+3)*7+(1:14)[rep(c(TRUE,TRUE), 7)])
----- Iterate --------------------------------------------------------
----- Iterating -----
Setup Parallelization
cluster <- 16
cl <- makeCluster(cluster, outfile="")
timer_total <- proc.time()[3]
out_iter <- foreach(batch = 1:16,
.packages = c("PanicModel"),
.export = c("l_tx"),
.verbose = TRUE) %dopar% {
# ----- Inter-individual differences / initial values ------
# Arousal Schema & Escape Schema initial values
N <- 20 # making sure at least one is valid (see below)
AS_init <- rnorm(n=N, .8, .1) # creates ~20% panic attacks (matched to lifetime prevalence)
AS_initth <- AS_init[AS_init<=1 & AS_init>=0]
AS_init <- AS_initth[1]
ES_init <- rnorm(n=N, .2, .1)
ES_initth <- ES_init[ES_init<=1 & ES_init>=0]
ES_init <- ES_initth[1]
initial_spec <- list("S" = AS_init,
"X" = ES_init)
# ----- Treatment response parameters -----
# From Don: 28th April:
pars_spec <- list("Tx" = list("I123_alpha" = rbeta(n=1, 1, 9),
"I4Adh" = rbeta(n=1, 3, 2),
"I4RdEs" = rbeta(n=1, 3, 2)))
# ----- Simulate ------
time0 <- 0:(60*24*7*4) # 4 week baseline
# Simulate
out_0 <- simPanic(time = time0,
stepsize = .001,
parameters = pars_spec,
initial = initial_spec,
pbar = FALSE)
# Round to 3 decimals to save disk space
out_0$outmat <- round(out_0$outmat, 3)
# --- Feed last values of baseline in as initial values ---
last_row <- out_0$outmat[nrow(out_0$outmat), ]
initial_spec2 <- list("A" = last_row$A,
"S" = last_row$S,
"H" = last_row$H,
"PT" = last_row$PT,
"E" = last_row$E,
"X" = last_row$X)
# --- make batch specific seed ----
seed_batch <- as.numeric(paste0(iter, 999, batch))
# ----- Loop through 4 Treatment arms -----
l_out <- list()
time1 <- 0:(60*24*7*(5+12)) # 5 weeks treatment + 12 weeks follow up
for(group in 1:5) {
# ----- Simulate Control vs. Treatments -----
set.seed(seed_batch) # random input constant across treatment arms/groups
# Simulate
out_x <- simPanic(time = time1,
stepsize = .001,
parameters = pars_spec,
initial = initial_spec2,
tx = l_tx[[group]],
pbar = FALSE)
# Round to 3 decimals to save disk space
out_x$outmat <- round(out_x$outmat, 3)
l_out[[group]] <- out_x
} # end for: group
# ----- Return ------
outlist <- list("heter" = list("S" = AS_init,
"X" = ES_init,
"I123_alpha" = pars_spec$Tx$I123_alpha,
"I4Adh" = pars_spec$Tx$I4Adh,
"I4RdEs" = pars_spec$Tx$I4RdEs),
"out_baseline" = out_0,
"out_group1" = l_out[[1]],
"out_group2" = l_out[[2]],
"out_group3" = l_out[[3]],
"out_group4" = l_out[[4]],
"out_group5" = l_out[[5]],
"batchseed" = seed_batch)
} # end foreach
print total time of nodes
print(paste0("Full Timing Iteration ", iter, ":"))
proc.time()[3] - timer_total
----- Export ---------------------------------------------------------
saveRDS(out_iter, file = paste0("IntSim6_Iter", iter, ".RDS"))
This code creates minute-to-minute data. After running, this code will generate an RDS File (for an example of an RDS File please see: OSF).
Thus, when running the code I gave you, called sim_preprocess.R
, which contains functions to map the minute-to-minute data of components, it is suppose to convert it to weekly symptom scores, and create other processed output. To remind, this the code sim_preprocess.R
:; 20 July
This file process the raw simulated output found in the /simcode/ folder
As output it creates two files
outfiles.RDS - a list containing baseline and treatment group daily measures
# as well as information about treatment adherence and heterogeneity
symptoms_out.RDS - a list containing symptom measurements
----------------- Output 1: outfiles.RDS --------------------------------
Data Preparation Step 1: Import and Organize Data -----
l_all <- list()
dir <- "Simulation/output/"
v_files <- list.files(dir)
n_files <- length(v_files)
symptoms <- list(baseline = list(), g1 = list(), g2 = list(),
g3 = list(), g4 = list(), g5 = list())
each file contains ~16 "people"
for each person we have a multivariate time series for
baseline + 5 treatment arms
we also have adherence rate (for treatments 3,4 and 5 only)
and a vector of between-person variable values (heter)
we don't need to extract anything else
IDcount <- 1
extract full information for two selected individuals
idsel <- c(25,55,133,207,429,134,168)
first 5 are bt responders, last two are ct responders
for(i in 1:n_files){
tmp <- readRDS(paste0(dir, "IntSim6_Iter", i, ".RDS"))
for(j in 1:length(tmp)){
if(IDcount < 501){
print(paste("file", i, "person",IDcount))
theter <-[[1]]$heter)
# round for size, take the sequence to reflect daily measurements
tout_baseline <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_baseline$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_baseline$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group1 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group1$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group1$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group2 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group2$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group2$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group3 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group3$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group3$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group4 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group4$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group4$outmat), by = 60*24),]
tout_group5 <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group5$outmat,2)[seq(1,nrow(tmp[[1]]$out_group5$outmat), by = 60*24),]
# add an "ID" indicator everywhere
tout_baseline$ID <- tout_group1$ID <- tout_group2$ID <- tout_group3$ID <- tout_group4$ID <- tout_group5$ID <- IDcount
# tadher1 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group1$adher;
# tadher2 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group2$adher
tadher3 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group3$adher
tadher4 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group4$adher
tadher5 <- tmp[[j]]$out_group5$adher
theter <-[[j]]$heter); theter$ID <- IDcount
# if this is the first entry, just create output objects
if(i ==1 && j == 1){
heter <- theter
out_baseline <- tout_baseline ; out_group1 <- tout_group1 ; out_group2 <- tout_group2
out_group3 <- tout_group3; out_group4 <- tout_group4 ; out_group5 <- tout_group5
adher3 <- tadher3
adher4 <- tadher4
adher5 <- tadher5
}else{ # otherwise, bind output objects together
heter <- rbind(heter,theter)
out_baseline <- rbind(out_baseline, tout_baseline)
out_group1 <- rbind(out_group1, tout_group1)
out_group2 <- rbind(out_group2, tout_group2)
out_group3 <- rbind(out_group3, tout_group3)
out_group4 <- rbind(out_group4, tout_group4)
out_group5 <- rbind(out_group5, tout_group5)
adher3 <- rbind(adher3, tadher3)
adher4 <- rbind(adher4, tadher4)
adher5 <- rbind(adher5, tadher5)
Create Symptoms Output
for(q in 1:6){
dframe <- tmp[[j]][[1+q]]$outmat
wind <- seq(1,nrow(dframe), 10080)
nw <- length(wind) -1 # number of weeks
weeks <- cbind(wind[1:nw], wind[2:(nw +1)])
outid <- cbind(t(apply(weeks,1,function(r){
colnames(outid)[1:11] <- c("q1_panic", "q2_padistress", "q3_fear", "q4_avoid","q5_context", "sumscore",
"n_panic","q2_distress_cont", "q3_fear_cont", "q4_avoid_cont", "q5_context_cont")
symptoms[[q]][[IDcount]] <- outid
} # end treatment arm loop
}# end of if
# Additional: If selected participant ID, save all data
if(IDcount %in% idsel){
baseline <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_baseline$outmat,2)
control <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group1$outmat,2)
ct <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group2$outmat,2)
bt <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group3$outmat,2)
cbt <- round(tmp[[j]]$out_group4$outmat,2)
saveRDS(list(baseline = baseline, control = control, ct = ct, bt = bt, cbt = cbt),
file = paste0("Files/data_id",idsel[idsel == IDcount],".RDS")
} # end if sub selection
IDcount <- IDcount + 1
} # end of loop through list
rm(tmp) # tidy -up (probably makes no difference except a slight slow down)
n_id <- IDcount - 1
now merge some of these files together into arrays
out_treat <- abind(out_group1,out_group2, out_group3, out_group4,out_group5, along = 3)
adher <- list(NULL, NULL,adher3,adher4, adher5)
save files
saveRDS(list(out_baseline = out_baseline,
out_treat = out_treat,
adher = adher,
heter = heter),
file = "Files/outfiles.RDS")
save symptom file
saveRDS(symptoms, file = "Files/symptoms_out.RDS")