Error in normalizePath(path.expand(path), winslash, mustWork)


I am quite new to R and trying to publish some Apps on shinyapps to see how it functions.

Although the apps run smoothly on my local computer, it givs the below error when I publish it on

Would there be an easy fix to this problem?

Error in normalizePath(path.expand(path), winslash, mustWork) : 
  path[1]="C:/Users/H�sein �skennder/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpqUxr7i/file437836e977eb": Sistem belirtilen yolu bulam�yor
Calls: <Anonymous> ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted

Can you show the code of your app? I suspect you are making a reference to an absolute path that obviously is not going to exist in servers.

Hi Andre,

Thanks for gettting back on this. Please see the code below:


ui <- fluidPage(
            textInput("symb", "Enter Valid Stock Symbol:", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
            checkboxInput("VOL", "Show Volume", FALSE),
            checkboxInput("SMA50", "Show SMA(50) in Red", FALSE),
            checkboxInput("SMA200", "Show SMA(200) in Blue", FALSE),
            checkboxInput("BB", "Show Bollinger Bands", FALSE),
            checkboxInput("CCI", "Show Commodity Channel Index", FALSE),
            checkboxInput("MACD", "Show Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)", FALSE),
            checkboxInput("RSI", "Show Relative Strength Index (RSI)", FALSE),
            sliderInput("integer", "Number of Months of Data:", min = 1, max = 60, value = 12),
            numericInput("obs", "Last Number of Days to Show:", 5)
        mainPanel(textOutput("text1"), textOutput("text2"), plotOutput("plot"), tableOutput("view")))

server <- function(input, output) {
    data <- ""
    output$plot <- renderPlot({
        output$text1 <- renderText({paste("Output: ", input$symb)})
            need(input$symb != "", "Please enter a valid stock symbol")
            data <- getSymbols(input$symb, src = "yahoo", to = Sys.Date(), auto.assign = FALSE)
        error=function(e) {
            output$text1 <- renderText({paste(input$symb, " is not a valid symbol.")})
        output$view <- renderTable({
            tail(data, n = input$obs)
        }, include.rownames = TRUE)
        # Quantmod chart
        m <- paste0("last ",input$integer, " months")
        output$text2 <- renderText({paste("Currenty Showing: " , m)})
        a <- ""
        if(input$VOL){a <- paste0(a, "addVo()")}
        if(input$SMA50){a <- paste0(a, if(a != "") {"; "}, "addSMA(n = 50, col = 'red')")} 
        if(input$SMA200){a <- paste0(a, if(a != "") {"; "}, "addSMA(n = 200, col = 'blue')")} 
        if(input$BB){a <- paste0(a, if(a != "") {"; "}, "addBBands()")} 
        if(input$CCI){a <- paste0(a, if(a != "") {"; "}, "addCCI()")} 
        if(input$MACD){a <- paste0(a, if(a != "") {"; "}, "addMACD()")} 
        if(input$RSI){a <- paste0(a, if(a != "") {"; "}, "addRSI()")} 
        if(a == ""){a <- list(NULL)}
                        theme = chartTheme("white"), 
                        type = "line", 
                        subset = m,
                        TA = a)
        error=function(e) {
            output$text2 <- renderText({paste("")})

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Do you get this error message in the logs after you deploy your app or you get it in the console while trying to deploy?
If the latter, then maybe your problem is related to having Non-ASCII characters in your path (because of your Windows user name).

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Special Character in File name - Windows - "The system cannot find the path specified"