Error in median.default(vardir) : need numeric data

Syntax: library(sae) eblupFH <- eblupFH(formula = income ~ urbanC + RuralC + HHsizeC + EmC + HBD1C + HBD2C + HBD3C + HBD4C + HBD5C + HBD6C + HBD7C + HBD8C + HBD9C + HBD10C + HBD11C + LivingSC + HowManyRoomsC + electricityC + heatingC + toiletC + sewerageC + bathroomC + hotwaterC + own1C + own2C + own3C + own4C + ownedlandC + ownedgardenC + femaleC + maleC + ageC + Nat1C + Nat2C + Nat3C + Nat4C + Nat5C + Nat6C + Nat7C + Nat8C + Nat9C + Nat10C + Migr1C + Migr2C + Migr3C + YearC1C + YearC2C + YearC3C + YearC4C + refugeestatusC + Edu1C + Edu2C + Edu3C + Edu4C + Edu5C + Edu6C + Edu7C + Edu8C + Edu9C + Edu10C + Edu11C + MRST1C + MRST2C + MRST3C + MRST4C + HealthstC + disabilitiesC + givematerialhelpC + takematerialhelpC + WholeLandC + numberofpicesC + grapesC + citrusesC + otherfruitsC + CattleC + BuffaloC + DonkeyC + HorseC + PigC + SheepC + GoatC + RabbitC + BeehiveC + PoultryC + tractorC + autoC, vardir = jem, method = "REML", MAXITER = 100, PRECISION = 0.0001, B = 0, data=vari)

what should be reason? I have already checked format of variance (variable name jem) and it is numeric there is not missing values and etc. I tried: 1) changing format as in excel as in r; 2) using different variable for testing, result is same; 3) excluded variable from formula; 4) updated r studio and sae package.

Hi AND WELCOME to the forum.

I think we need to see all of your code and some sample data. See
FAQ Asking Questions

A handy way to supply some sample data is the dput() function. In the case of a large dataset something like dput(head(mydata, 100)) should supply the data we need. Just do dput(mydata) where mydata is your data. Copy the output and paste it here between


Thank you for attantion,

I tried also to estimate FH model from emdi syntax:
fh_std <- fh(
fixed = income ~ urbanC + RuralC + HHsizeC + EmC + HBD1C + HBD2C + HBD3C + HBD4C + HBD5C + HBD6C + HBD7C + HBD8C + HBD9C + HBD10C + HBD11C + LivingSC + HowManyRoomsC + electricityC + heatingC + toiletC + sewerageC + bathroomC + hotwaterC + own1C + own2C + own3C + own4C + ownedlandC + ownedgardenC + femaleC + maleC + ageC + Nat1C + Nat2C + Nat3C + Nat4C + Nat5C + Nat6C + Nat7C + Nat8C + Nat9C + Nat10C + Migr1C + Migr2C + Migr3C + YearC1C + YearC2C + YearC3C + YearC4C + refugeestatusC + Edu1C + Edu2C + Edu3C + Edu4C + Edu5C + Edu6C + Edu7C + Edu8C + Edu9C + Edu10C + Edu11C + MRST1C + MRST2C + MRST3C + MRST4C + HealthstC + disabilitiesC + givematerialhelpC + takematerialhelpC + WholeLandC + numberofpicesC + grapesC + citrusesC + otherfruitsC + CattleC + BuffaloC + DonkeyC + HorseC + PigC + SheepC + GoatC + RabbitC + BeehiveC + PoultryC + tractorC + autoC, vardir = "jem",
combined_data = varidz, domains = "dist", method = "ml",

an getting error "Error in I * psi[, 1] : non-numeric argument to binary operator"

then I renamed variables and datasets as it was in example in FH emdi package but result is same. dataset I have uploade on my drive varidz.xls - Google Sheets

I have not any idea why I am not able to view results of mentioned syntaxes

Just an equation is not likely to be of any help.

I think we need to see some sample data.
A handy way to supply some sample data is the dput() function. In the case of a large dataset something like dput(head(mydata, 100)) should supply the data we need. Just do dput(mydata) where mydata is your data. Copy the output and paste it here between


I think mentioned way not working.

I wrote dput(head(varidze, 100)) and then dput(output). console does not show me all output as it larger than console. Do we have another way to solve problem? Could you run syntax?, I have provided data via my google drive?

If you can supply a link to the data on your google drive that would be great. Otherwise you could put it on somethng like Dropbox or mediafire and give us a link.


this is link of excel file of my google drive

Got it, thanks.

I'm going out now bu should be able to have a look at it latter today . It's 11:25 EST here.

thank you for your time! I tried it many hour

Sorry to take so long to get back to you. I was busier that I expected and then this took a bit more time than I had expected . I think that at least you are running into colinearity issues. After that I am not sure.

I have identified 7 variables that seem to be causing problems but which variables they are in conflict with, I am not sure.

This will run, I hope.

dat1  <- read.csv("gmike.csv")

ebbb <- eblupFH(formula = income ~ urbanC + RuralC + HHsizeC + EmC + 
    HBD1C + HBD2C + HBD3C + HBD4C + HBD5C + HBD6C + HBD7C + HBD8C + HBD9C + 
    HBD10C + HBD11C +  LivingSC + HowManyRoomsC + electricityC + heatingC +
    toiletC + sewerageC  + bathroomC + hotwaterC  + own1C  + own2C  + own3C + own4C 
    + ownedlandC +ownedgardenC  + femaleC + ageC +
       Nat1C  + Nat4C + Nat5C + Nat6C + Nat7C + Nat8C + Nat9C +
    Migr1C + Migr2C + Migr3C + 
    YearC1C + YearC2C + YearC3C + YearC4C  + 
    refugeestatusC + 
    Edu1C + Edu2C + Edu3C + Edu4C + Edu5C + Edu6C + Edu7C + Edu8C + Edu9C + Edu10C + Edu11C  +
    MRST1C + MRST2C + MRST3C + MRST4C + 
    HealthstC + disabilitiesC + givematerialhelpC + takematerialhelpC + 
    WholeLandC + numberofpicesC +
    grapesC + citrusesC + otherfruitsC  +
    CattleC + BuffaloC + DonkeyC + HorseC + PigC + SheepC + RabbitC + autoC
vardir = jem, method = "REML", MAXITER = 100, PRECISION = 0.0001, B = 0, data= dat1)

These are the troublesome variables

dat2  <- dat1[, c( "maleC", "Nat2C" , "Nat10C", "GoatC" , "BeehiveC",
                   "tractorC", "autoC")]
cor(dat1$femaleC, dat1$maleC)

Thank you! I will try.

Dear friend,

I separated data file for two and named same as it was in the example of syntax, after that I ran and it works. maybe syntax uses variables from origin tables.

Thank you again for your time!

I am glad to see that things are working.

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