Error in map$get: key must be not be "" or NA

I am getting error- Error in map$get: key must be not be "" or NA in my R-studio. I have tried things like changed (R studio and R ) version also formatted drive. But couldn't find any solution.

Hi welcome,
We need more information to help you, could you specify on which circumstances are you getting this error message? in other words, what would be the steps to reproduce your issue?

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I have the exact same problem. After I downloaded the new R, and new Rstudio with my MacOS ( Version 10.15.3), whenever I run a shiny app, I also got this message: Warning: Error in map$get: key must be not be "" or NA

Specifically, how are you running the app? Does this happen with any shiny app or just with a particular one? Can you provide a REPRoducible EXample (reprex) illustrating your issue?

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