I am receiving an error message for import function error that I never received before. These are the important codes I am using :
birth_data_dictionary <-import("ccbf_data_dictionary_v2.3.3.xlsx")
death_data_dictionary <-import("ccdf_data_dictionary_v2.3.1.csv")
death_data <-import ("ccdf__20220101_20230814.csv", header=FALSE) ``
and this is the error message:
```birth_data <-import("ccbf__20220101_20230814.csv",header=FALSE)
Error in import("ccbf__20220101_20230814.csv", header = FALSE) :
could not find function "import" ```
`` birth_data_dictionary <-import("ccbf_data_dictionary_v2.3.3.xlsx")
Error in import("ccbf_data_dictionary_v2.3.3.xlsx") :
could not find function "import" ```