Error in if (nrow(pop) != p | ncol(pop) != n) stop("data and pop are of different size") : argument is of length zero

I need really need your help. What is problem? Which section of the code should I fix? Who has any idea? Please, help me. This is crucial for my study.

*Code starts

Required packages


Load the packages


Specify the file path

file_path <- "D:/maledatafer.xlsx"

Read the Excel file

lee_carter_data <- readxl::read_excel(file_path, sheet = 1)

Extract the years and population data

years <- lee_carter_data$Years
population_data <- lee_carter_data[, -1] # Exclude the first column (Years)

Convert the data to a matrix

mortality_matrix <- as.matrix(population_data)

Check dimensions and transpose if needed

if (nrow(mortality_matrix) < ncol(mortality_matrix)) {
mortality_matrix <- t(mortality_matrix)

Convert the matrix to a 'demogdata' object

demog_data <- demogdata(mortality_matrix, pop = colSums(mortality_matrix))

Fit the Lee-Carter model using the demography package

lc_model <- lca(demog_data)

'h' is the number of periods (years) to forecast

forecast_result <- forecast(lc_model, h = 2)


*Code ends
Problem is:
Error in if (nrow(pop) != p | ncol(pop) != n) stop("data and pop are of different size") :
argument is of length zero

What should I do? I really appreciate your help and support.
Thank you

Please, help me. What should I do?

demogdata requires two matrices of the same size: the mortality rates and the population sizes. Your pop argument is neither a matrix, nor the population sizes.

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