Error in GLS ANOVA nlme (False convergence (8))

I want to analyze spatial autocorrelation for my PC2 axis, but coming this error, please kindly help to solve this problem... thank you....

fm1<-gls(PC2~1 ,correlation = corSpher(form=~xaxis+yaxis))

fm1<-gls(PC2~1 ,correlation = corSpher(form=~xaxis+yaxis))
Error in gls(PC2 ~ 1, correlation = corSpher(form = ~xaxis + yaxis)) : 
  false convergence (8)
Error in nlme::anova.lme(object = fm1, fm2) : 
  first model has a different response from the rest
In addition: Warning message:
In nlme::anova.lme(object = fm1, fm2) :
  some fitted objects deleted because response differs from the first model

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