Error in generating HTML report

Hi there, I am new to Posit community and have been learning R Markdown document. I opened a rmd file and clicked on knitr to produce an html report. However, I get the following error as shown in the screenshot. Can you guys suggest what might have been the error and how can I resolve this? I have already installed lubridate package.

Hard to tell without a proper REPRoducible EXample (reprex) illustrating your issue.

But it seems you are including install commands in your Rmd file. You shouldn't include this type of commands because each time you knit the document R is going to try to install those packages and probably fail. Packages are ment to be installed interactively from the console or a GUI (unless you consciously stablish an automated workflow).

Can you please show the content of your Rmd file? Or at least an analogous made up example that reproduces the issue?

Thanks Andresrcs for the suggestion. I rechecked it and the error was caused by trying to install the packages in rmd file. When I did it in console, it now worked.
Thanks again.

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