Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object not found

data <- read.csv("/cloud/project/pygmalion.csv")
data$Treatment <- as.factor(data$Treatment)

mod.full = lm(data=data, IQ8 ~ IQPre + Treatment)

treatment.predict = factor(c("treatment","no treatment"), levels=c("treatment","no treatment"))
iqpre.predict = rep(mean(data$IQPre), 2)
data.predict = data.frame(treatment=treatment.predict, iqpre=iqpre.predict)

adjmeans = predict(data.predict)

>> Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'IQPre' not found <<

Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'IQPre' not found

The error message here is telling you that in the line mod.full = lm(data=data, IQ8 ~ IQPre + Treatment), R can't find the object IQPre.

Since you set up that linear regression function call to refer to the table "data", My best guess is that table doesn't have a column named IQPre. Double check it's there, and how it's spelled (R is case sensitive).

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