Error in deploying Shiny app Curl package issues


I have issues with deploying a large Shiny app to RS Connect. This is the error message that I get:

Set RETICULATE_PYTHON_FALLBACK = "C:/Users/..../Anaconda3/python.exe"
----- Deployment log started at  2023-02-23 17:00:07  -----
Deploy command: 
 rsconnect::deployApp(appDir = "~/Current Projects/GravityApp/gravity_app/...",      appFileManifest = "C:/Users/..../AppData/Local/Temp/06f9-44ac-6003-2638",      account = "", server = "",      appName = "simugrav_test", appId = 127, launch.browser = function(url) {         message("Deployment completed: ", url)     }, lint = FALSE, metadata = list(asMultiple = FALSE, asStatic = FALSE),      logLevel = "verbose") 

Session information: 
R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19044)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.utf8 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.utf8   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.utf8
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.utf8    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_4.2.1   rsconnect_0.8.29
[1] "None"
GET /__api__/applications/127 170ms
----- Bundle upload started at  2023-02-23 17:00:08  -----
[2023-02-23 17:00:08] Inferring App mode and parameters 
[2023-02-23 17:00:08] Bundling app dir 
[2023-02-23 17:00:12] Generate manifest.json 
[2023-02-23 17:00:12] Starting to perform packrat snapshot 

Adding these packages to packrat:
    BH                1.81.0-1  
    Formula           1.2-4     
    MASS              7.3-57    
    Matrix            1.5-3     
    R6                2.5.1     
    RColorBrewer      1.1-3     
    Rcpp              1.0.10    
    anytime           0.3.9     
    askpass           1.1       
    base64enc         0.1-3     
    bit               4.0.5     
    bit64             4.0.5     
    bslib             0.4.2     
    cachem            1.0.6     
    cellranger        1.1.0     
    cli               3.6.0     
    clipr             0.8.0     
    colorspace        2.1-0     
    commonmark        1.8.1     
    cpp11             0.4.3     
    crayon            1.5.2     
    crosstalk         1.2.0     
    curl              5.0.0     
    data.table        1.14.8    
    digest            0.6.31    
    dplyr             1.1.0     
    dreamerr          1.2.3     
    ellipsis          0.3.2     
    evaluate          0.20      
    fansi             1.0.4     
    farver            2.1.1     
    fastmap           1.1.0     
    fixest            0.11.1    
    fontawesome       0.5.0     
    forcats           1.0.0     
    fs                1.6.1     
    generics          0.1.3     
    ggplot2           3.4.1     
    glue              1.6.2     
    gtable            0.3.1     
    haven             2.5.1     
    highr             0.10      
    hms               1.1.2     
    htmltools         0.5.4     
    htmlwidgets       1.6.1     
    httpuv            1.6.9     
    httr              1.4.4     
    igraph            1.4.0     
    isoband           0.2.7     
    jquerylib         0.1.4     
    jsonlite          1.8.4     
    knitr             1.42      
    labeling          0.4.2     
    later             1.3.0     
    lattice           0.20-45   
    lazyeval          0.2.2     
    lifecycle         1.0.3     
    magrittr          2.0.3     
    memoise           2.0.1     
    mgcv              1.8-40    
    mime              0.12      
    munsell           0.5.0     
    networkD3         0.4       
    nlme              3.1-157   
    numDeriv          2016.8-1.1
    openssl           2.0.5     
    pillar            1.8.1     
    pkgconfig         2.0.3     
    plotly            4.10.1    
    prettyunits       1.1.1     
    progress          1.2.2     
    purrr             1.0.1     
    rJava             1.0-6     
    rappdirs          0.3.3     
    readr             2.1.4     
    readxl            1.4.2     
    rematch           1.0.1     
    rlang             1.0.6     
    rmarkdown         2.20      
    sandwich          3.0-2     
    sass              0.4.5     
    scales            1.2.1     
    shiny             1.7.4     
    shinyWidgets      0.7.6     
    shinycssloaders   1.0.0     
    shinyjs           2.1.0     
    shinythemes       1.2.0     
    sourcetools       0.1.7-1   
    stringi           1.7.12    
    stringr           1.5.0     
    sys               3.4.1     
    tibble            3.1.8     
    tidyr             1.3.0     
    tidyselect        1.2.0     
    tinytex           0.44      
    tzdb              0.3.0     
    utf8              1.2.3     
    vctrs             0.5.2     
    viridisLite       0.4.1     
    vroom             1.6.1     
    withr             2.5.0     
    xfun              0.37      
    xlsx              0.6.5     
    xlsxjars          0.6.1     
    xtable            1.8-4     
    yaml              2.3.7     
    zoo               1.8-11    

[2023-02-23 17:00:16] Completed performing packrat snapshot 
[2023-02-23 17:00:25] Writing Rmd index if necessary 
[2023-02-23 17:00:25] Compressing the bundle 
----- Deployment error -----
Error in curl::handle_setopt(handle, post = TRUE, postfields = readBin(con,  : 
  long vectors not supported yet: ../include/Rinlinedfuns.h:537
Calls: <Anonymous> ... is.factor -> POST -> httpRequestWithBody -> http -> <Anonymous>
----- Error stack trace -----
13: rsconnect::deployApp(appDir = "~/Current Projects/GravityApp/gravity_app/SIMUGRAV", 
        appFileManifest = "C:/Users/..../AppData/Local/Temp/06f9-44ac-6003-2638", 
        account = "", server = "", 
12: withStatus(paste0("Uploading bundle for ", assetTypeName, ": ", 
        application$id), {
        python <- getPythonForTarget(python, accountDetails)
11: force(code)
10: client$uploadApplication(application$id, bundlePath)
9: handleResponse(POST(service, authInfo, path, contentType = "application/x-gzip", 
       file = bundlePath))
8: isContentType(response, "application/json")
7: grepl(contentType, response$contentType, fixed = TRUE)
6: is.factor(x)
5: POST(service, authInfo, path, contentType = "application/x-gzip", 
       file = bundlePath)
4: httpRequestWithBody(service, authInfo, "POST", path, query, contentType, 
       file, content, headers)
3: http(service$protocol, service$host, service$port, method, url, 
       headers, contentType, file, certificate = certificate)
2: curl::handle_setopt(handle, post = TRUE, postfields = readBin(con, 
       what = "raw", n = fileLength), postfieldsize_large = fileLength)
1: (function (e) 
       cat("----- Deployment error -----\n")
Error in curl::handle_setopt(handle, post = TRUE, postfields = readBin(con,  : 
  long vectors not supported yet: ../include/Rinlinedfuns.h:537
Calls: <Anonymous> ... is.factor -> POST -> httpRequestWithBody -> http -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted

I set the following options already:

options( rsconnect.max.bundle.size = 3958096384 )
options(rsconnect.http.trace = TRUE)
options(rsconnect.http.verbose = TRUE)

The curl package is updated to its latest version.

Is this error connected to the first option? If so, how can it be solved?

I tried this option too:

options( rsconnect.http = "curl" )

Unfortunately, it made no difference.