Error in apply(items, c(1, 2), is.numeric) : dim(X) must have positive length

Hi everyone,
I am trying to use the reliability function for calculating a CFA and this error occurs: "You will find additional options and better formatting using itemAnalysis(). Error in apply(items, c(1, 2), is.numeric) : dim(X) must have positive length." I am confused because I didn't use apply() function.

This is my code:

define model

model_1 <- "
DS_Komp =~ DS01_01 + DS01_02 + DS01_03 + DS01_04 + DS01_05

run model

results_1 <- sem(model_1, d)

calculate reliability

rel_1 <- reliability(results_1)

Hi there,

It is just not possible to help without a reprex. We need to see data and things so we can see exactly what is happening. See here on a reprex: FAQ: How to do a minimal reproducible example ( reprex ) for beginners

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