Error in (1 - h) * qs[i] : non numeric argument to binary operator

I have 30 row samples. The first column is the names of my samples. My code then ran like this:

ENV = read.table("E:--\lastmd.txt",header=TRUE,sep="\t",row.names=1,dec=",")

aov.res <- aov(activity ~ genotype*gender)

  > Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value    Pr(>F)    

genotype 2 87842 43921 241.125 1.011e-13 ***
gender 2 689096 344548 1891.565 < 2.2e-16 ***
genotype :gender 4 15402 3850 21.139 1.331e-06 ***
Residuals 18 3279 182

LSD_A = LSD.test(y = activity,
trt = genotype,
DFerror = aov.res$df.residual,
MSerror = deviance(aov.res)/aov.res$df.residual,
alpha = 0.05,
p.adj = "bonferroni",
group = TRUE,
console = TRUE)

I have 30 row samples. The first column is the names of my samples. My code then ran like this:

ENV = read.table("E:--\\lastmd.txt",header=TRUE,sep="\t",row.names=1,dec=",")

aov.res <- aov(activity ~ genotype*gender)

      Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value    Pr(>F)    
genotype         2  87842   43921  241.125 1.011e-13 ***
gender        2 689096  344548 1891.565 < 2.2e-16 ***
genotype :gender  4  15402    3850   21.139 1.331e-06 ***
Residuals     18   3279     182    
LSD_A = LSD.test(y = activity,
             trt = genotype,
             DFerror = aov.res$df.residual,
             MSerror = deviance(aov.res)/aov.res$df.residual,
             alpha = 0.05,
             p.adj = "bonferroni",
             group = TRUE,
             console = TRUE)

**Here i get this error:**

> Error in (1 - h) * qs[i] : non numeric argument to binary operator
> mean.default(junto[, 1]) :argument not numeric


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