Step 2: Import data
In the chunk below, you will use the read_csv()
function to import data from a .csv in the project folder called "hotel_bookings.csv" and save it as a data frame called hotel_bookings
. Type "hotel_bookings.csv" between the quotation marks in the following code chunk.
If this line causes an error, copy in the line setwd("projects/Course 7/Week 3") before it.
hotel_bookings <- read_csv("hotel_bookings.cvs")
This gives me an error an immediate error that I cannot find a solution to it. I try using
If this line causes an error, copy in the line setwd("projects/Course 7/Week 3") before it
**setwd("projects/Course 7/Week 3")**
**hotel_bookings <- read_csv("hotel_bookings.cvs")**
That still doesn't work.