I have try use these packages below but did not work:
remotes::install_version("hierfstat", version = "0.4.14") install.packages("hierfstat")
and when I run the script it says "Error: 'fstat' is not an exported object from 'namespace:hierfstat' "
look up to this info from CRAN CRAN Package Check Results for Package strataG cant help. ;(
@nirgrahamuk, sory, I meant that why the function "fstat" can't be found, even though I have the "hierfstat" packages installed and the library loaded.?
@nirgrahamuk as the warning error tells that 'fstat' is not an exported object from 'namespace:hierfstat' ".
would you tell me what Is needed to do to fix this problem?
thanks you
There is no problem per se apart from your understanding.
You appear to have an unjustified and mistaken belief that there is something called fstat that you think should be in package hierfstat. It seems you are wrong, but I don't know what misled you. You have said nothing to justify your belief.
@nirgrahamuk, I admit that I am low key confused myself. hope you could help.
my colleague told me that obviously, in the newest version of hierfstat, "fstat" has been disabled. and I would need the fstat to analyze my data in R.