Error due to vignette in rmarkdown

Hi, I try to updatet he package that I've on CRAN on 2019. After all modification I check the package in rstudio.
The vignette has defined as below

title: "PackageName"
subtitle: "myThematic"
author: "Name, 2019"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: html_vignette
vignette: >

I received the message below

Erreur : Duplicate vignette titles.
  Ensure that the %\VignetteIndexEntry lines in the vignette sources
  correspond to the vignette titles.

Have you an idea how I can fix it?

Thanks in advance

Do you have multiple vignettes with the same title and index entry? Then try doing what the advice says, and make the names and index entries unique.

Yes I have several vignettes with the unique names.this means I follow up the advice unique in vignette title.
I don't understand this errors.

Shall I put %\VignetteIndexEntry{PackageName}?

The check is stopped here!

Is your package open source? Can you share it with us?

Yes it's cartogRaflow is in CRAN. Right now I've made an update
Here the markdown GitHub - BlondeauSylvain/useSf: issue sf vs sp

So it's not necessary to use this link you can go directly in cartogRaflow github

Right, your vignette title is Cartograflow, and the index entry is CartogRaflow (note the uppercase). So try making these match.

Yes, I've already seen that and I modify the remarkdown which you can find here : BlondeauSylvain/useSf: issue sf vs sp (

With this modification I've already the error message; it's really annoying this problem. I don't know how I can fix it!

You did not fix it in this file:

Also, you don't have unique vignette titles, the title is the same for all your vignettes:

As I told you in the previous post I worked in new version of cartograflow.
Right now I've modified all Rmarkdonw here :
useSf/vignettes at main · BlondeauSylvain/useSf (

I've put the same title in all Rmarkdown and I've always the error!

Yes, that's where I was linking to. You need to have a different title for each vignette. You cannot use the same title for all vignettes like you do. Or maybe it is enough to have different \VignetteIndexEntry for each.

If I understand correctly, I have to put a different title on each .Rmd,
If yes, I will try.
I don't know if it's possible to put different `VignetteIndexEntry` for each because Title must be =equal to \VignetteIndexEntry.

it's a mystery because I ran cartograflow in CRAN with this configuration

You only have one vignette in the package on CRAN, so not exactly the same.

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