Hi there! I'm very new to r and trying to run a multi-level meta analysis using pre-calculated effect sizes. The data file named 'test run vividness v2' can be accessed via this link:testrunfile
The script I used as a first step to fit the model was:
res <- rma.mv (yi = es_r, v = var, data = testrun, method = "REML", level = 95, digits = 7, slab = ref, random = ~ 1 | samp_id)
But I keep getting this error:
Error in verbose > 2 : comparison (6) is possible only for atomic and list types
Could someone help give me a hand to help me understand what this error message means and where did I go wrong with the script? Many thanks!
Hi William! Thanks so much for reaching out. I've just made the data file public. You should have no problem accessing it now. Sorry about the oversight.
I'm using the metafor package.