Hey guys. I am having issue with the following.
> ## Import your assigned stocks
> stocksassigned<-c("TSLA","GME","MKT") %>%
+ tq_get(get = "stock.prices", from = "2000-01-01") %>%
+ select(symbol, date, adjusted)
when i run the code I get the following:
Error: Can't subset columns that don't exist.
x Column date
doesn't exist.
Run rlang::last_error()
to see where the error occurred.
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The code you are showing works just fine, maybe you forgot to load the libraries? Try restating your R session and run your code again, including the library calls.
(stocksassigned <- c("TSLA","GME","MKT") %>%
tq_get(get = "stock.prices", from = "2000-01-01") %>%
select(symbol, date, adjusted))
#> # A tibble: 11,979 × 3
#> symbol date adjusted
#> <chr> <date> <dbl>
#> 1 TSLA 2010-06-29 4.78
#> 2 TSLA 2010-06-30 4.77
#> 3 TSLA 2010-07-01 4.39
#> 4 TSLA 2010-07-02 3.84
#> 5 TSLA 2010-07-06 3.22
#> 6 TSLA 2010-07-07 3.16
#> 7 TSLA 2010-07-08 3.49
#> 8 TSLA 2010-07-09 3.48
#> 9 TSLA 2010-07-12 3.41
#> 10 TSLA 2010-07-13 3.63
#> # … with 11,969 more rows
Created on 2022-05-31 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Note: Next time please provide a proper REPR oducible EX ample (reprex) illustrating your issue.
Hii. Thank you a lot for your help. It is still not working despite rechecking my libraries.
so what columns are available for you ?
whatgot <- (c("TSLA","GME","MKT") %>%
tq_get(get = "stock.prices", from = "2000-01-01"))
1 Like
yes I'm having the same issue, doesn't seem to be issue with the code, as it seems to be correct. there must be something else
Error: Can't subset columns that don't exist.
x Column DATE
doesn't exist.
R is case sensitive so if date
is present its an error to select DATE
which has capitalisation.
June 6, 2022, 12:14am
Did you manage to solve this issue? im having the same issue with my assignment
June 27, 2022, 12:15am
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