I'm an ecologist and during using package coocur in RSudio I receive this error message:
r in rep(x = 0, times = psite) : ungültiges 'times' Argument
Zusätzlich: Es gab 50 oder mehr Warnungen (Anzeige der ersten 50 mit warnings())
I have a present absent matrix and want to have a coourr matrix with R.
To help us help you, could you please prepare a reproducible example (reprex) illustrating your issue? Please have a look at this guide, to see how to create one:
In your case psite is not what you think it is, but without more information it's impossible to say what exactly is the problem.
If you read the link I gave you above carefully, it should be clear how to make a reproducible example for your problem. Let me know if something is unclear.
You are getting that error message because you are including the dpasta command in the reprex code without including the library call to datapasta, but including that code is not necessary since we only need the sample data, not the code to generate it. I recommend you to read the reprex guide a little more carefully.