Error building image: Build exited with non-zero status: 1 Execution halted ; Cannot update shiny object to shiny server


Hello, I am pretty novice to Rshiny and shinyapps so bear with me. I cannot get my RShiny App to publish to shinyapps. I have updated my RStudio, tried different versions of R, and updated all packages and no success or progress. I have had success in posting a very similar version of this app on shinyapps so I do not believe it is my code.

I tried to publish the app under a new name and project as that has worked for others ( stopped working as I tried to update it after one week) but that did not work for me. At the risk of boring you, here is exactly what I did to try and replicate what the above suggests:

  1. I created a new Token in my shinyapps account
  2. I copy and pasted that Token (with the secret part shown) in to the textbox that pops up when you click shinyapps after clicking "Add new account" when selecting where to publish your shiny tool
  3. I changed the name of the Title to something completely new
  4. I hit Publish

Here is the error message that shows, and it is the exact same message and output as every other time (if you see a *, that just means i replaced their real alphanumeric value as I don't want to share that info with the whole internet)

RETICULATE_PYTHON_FALLBACK unset (no Python installation found)
[2024-07-09 18:38:54.321119] Deployment log started
Deploy command: 
 rsconnect::deployApp(appDir = "~/GEMs - V2.2", appFileManifest = "C:/Users/******/AppData/Local/Temp/a2a9-fff1-6ee6-8977",      account = "0czolw-*******-******", server = "",      appName = "GEMs_V22_Take100", appTitle = "GEMs_V22_Take100",      launch.browser = function(url) {         message("Deployment completed: ", url)     }, lint = FALSE, metadata = list(asMultiple = FALSE, asStatic = FALSE),      logLevel = "verbose") 

Session information: 
R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.utf8 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.utf8   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.utf8
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.utf8    

time zone: America/New_York
tzcode source: internal

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_4.4.1    cli_3.6.3         rsconnect_1.3.1   tools_4.4.1      
[5] rstudioapi_0.16.0 lifecycle_1.0.4   rlang_1.1.4      
── Preparing for deployment ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
GET /v1/applications/?filter=account_id:2206738&filter=type:shiny&filter=name:GEMs_V22_Take100&count=100&offset=0 149ms
[1] path    name    value   secure  expires
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
[2024-07-09 18:38:54.66584] Inferring App mode and parameters
✔ Deploying "GEMs_V22_Take100" using "server: / username: 0czolw-*******-********"
ℹ Creating application on server...
POST /v1/applications/ 170ms
✔ Created application with id 12297546
[2024-07-09 18:38:54.9305] Bundling app dir
[2024-07-09 18:38:54.945937] Generate manifest.json
ℹ Bundling 23 files: '.RData', 'app.R', 'www/.Rhistory', 'www/AvgFixDur.R', 'www/cornealreflection.png', 'www/example.csv', 'www/ExampleEventDetectionData.csv', 'www/eyemovementvelocity.png', 'www/fiduc.png', 'www/fiducoutput.png', 'www/gazedwelltime.png', 'www/highSGE.png', 'www/LCNE.png', 'www/linkedin.png', 'www/lowSGE.png', 'www/NRL.png', 'www/PercentViewingTime.R', 'www/PostprocessSampleData.R', …, 'www/samplingerror.png', and 'www/TotalNumberFixs.R'
ℹ Capturing R dependencies with renv
[2024-07-09 18:38:56.312682] Compressing the bundle
✔ Found 49 dependencies
✔ Created 2,482,868b bundle
ℹ Uploading bundle...
POST /v1/bundles 229ms
PUT /bundles/application-12297546/19b7362b4db0467fb9d4b20232877672.tar.gz?AWSAccessKeyId=ASIA54P7SCTK7HV6TVCI&Signature=%2BozoT6kgtMynTGXk%2Fq1SlsP64ew%3D&content-md5=25G3Gjr0kxxm0xgo1UuoZg%3D%3D&content-type=application%2Fx-tar&x-amz-security-token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEG8aCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJIMEYCIQCZg%2F0Zi6JZ96hiJIcJTdijt6zKtqGw6R%2BtPgONgNmG%2BgIhAMN6zQJSJrasmIXeAxgmHnUfIpbYj5d383XafAAgfNaqKoMFCDgQABoMOTU0NTU1NTY5MzY1Igx%2BuSBXsNRWm9HFrXkq4ARXDGugS5unIOhfXu3QsK23ZEXcWm5xTQNYmUOcIuqMyCAIlq%2BJFygjpdHoAkjdk%2BRbExcRV2DJargwfG9AAQRitv738WsaKAc0%2B3cUHxkLiH6U5%2F6JyckLvYduQcB9ZcS2PBzIbc4pjF03q2xafF7Px32veGCHVH3i1Q2x60K82PhlGtFKl9SXaXjZzcQ4WBjDOzbiuy2sQhttXVZ7pC07Pf2MMrxv0KO%2BnQ%2FPtzV17zmtZ0xG7hP5UYKmZw5Fi3Vsb2%2FSKGnJqEBY%2B3Vz%2F3LgZaw4QBeyjoJmVQ4MegApgcHZkUdVUry5kQPRBmdhYTm5PQJ%2FyDVzsgomZW2xfkE8fn4CY3BfYiLsZjN2Rn%2F7aMJXr%2FkW%2FFpu1uNsG0ne56ED%2BCagdSwoGRxY4SsLZCEj5MLRAVE7yXdUeRhl7RH%2FJbDunE7BmTI07ZrGZp1FPHps0SlYyVqJ%2Bb8U7Xo6wsvs89Nxqwq89LJdQuAYnzKP8%2FZPeDeWzvAQ%2B1r621GWOmjj3DVJC7BF95z%2Bcdo%2BjWe8btsqvGUu1gOnefxXG%2FsLh%2FjAzMm9gay%2BsukXVYVkX7dOej9c26Zgbzxbt8vbLGMnwW%2FARZU15cyYFmwT3jXMM7uas0GWpOhewAHsWN4dYlf13p0%2BRkJ8GiHRTucg3VLU5eFoLGYuwnnuGSGNlWIVQhPIU%2Fuw6vHLe30P31pQSdzDDtFrUJtK1a1IaNrhIblqA4lzU6pLf9cQOhZhi%2B%2FB4h8Sa5a689RG3BQFyu%2FSCs0AsWRz5DdalkGMCsjqsHC%2BeFxID9GCJy0XBKsrKxgczDCA%2BLa0BjqZAaVcOCkvx8FccphIfw9c73VQFsbD5Ndwa26Jg03hL0hDUgoQplVN8edey0rz9qgX36XojlcmPIJDCyWhpHvaxrPlWsBYBoCT6AtSkxqNIznu%2BlkkE7xdiJV5tZFd8VUx5AV58%2FstKxYi9KfuuHHwCpnlQnT7bs4eaW2MmIylHcYrawfCEJHpo6g8%2BiEsJXCdh61daDUsZ05dsQ%3D%3D&Expires=1720568336 1630ms
POST /v1/bundles/8844654/status 140ms
GET /v1/bundles/8844654 139ms
✔ Uploaded bundle with id 8844654
── Deploying to server ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
POST /v1/applications/12297546/deploy 239ms
Waiting for task: 1435470581
GET /v1/tasks/1435470581 129ms
GET /v1/tasks/1435470581 109ms
  building: Building image: 10749211
GET /v1/tasks/1435470581 139ms
GET /v1/tasks/1435470581 130ms
  building: Installing system dependencies
GET /v1/tasks/1435470581 140ms
GET /v1/tasks/1435470581 370ms
GET /v1/tasks/1435470581 250ms
## Begin Task Log ##############################################################
GET /v1/tasks/1435470581/logs/ 359ms
GET /v1/tasks/?filter=account_id:2206738&filter=parent_id:1435470581&count=100&offset=0 330ms
GET /v1/tasks/1435470582/logs/ 189ms
GET /v1/tasks/?filter=account_id:2206738&filter=parent_id:1435470582&count=100&offset=0 160ms
## End Task Log ################################################################
----- Deployment error -----
Error: Unhandled Exception: child_task=1435470582 child_task_status=failed: Error building image: Build exited with non-zero status: 1
----- Error stack trace -----
4: rsconnect::deployApp(appDir = "~/GEMs - V2.2", appFileManifest = "C:/Users/m*****/AppData/Local/Temp/a2a9-fff1-6ee6-8977", 
       account = "0czolw-******-*****", server = "", 
       appName = "GEMs_V22_Take100", appTitle = "GEMs_V22_Take100", 
3: client$waitForTask(taskId, quiet)
2: stop(status$error, call. = FALSE)
1: (function (e) 
       cat("----- Deployment error -----\n")
Error: Unhandled Exception: child_task=1435470582 child_task_status=failed: Error building image: Build exited with non-zero status: 1
Execution halted

Thank you @prubin for the quick reply and suggestions!