I can produce html and PDF as expected. My issue is that the equation is displayed with RStudio as non valid. I guess, it is rendered with Mathjax without the AMS option.
Anyone with idea how to have the equation also render in RStudio IDE?
Extra info:
Rstudio Version 1.2.1335
R version 3.6
OS: win10
I have no problem with the output content. It is what I expect. My issue is more about the WYSIWYG and user experience while working on the source in the IDE.
I am observing the following behaviors:
$$equation$$ are rendered in the editor just bellow the line.
$equation$ and \[equation\] are rendered as tooltips when mousing over.
My understanding is that visual rendering while working on the markdown file within the IDE is not supporting amsmath extension while that's the default when producing the PDF or html.
Having the WYSIWYG matching the output would make the coding experience much easier and less error prone. Now I am kind on relaying on compile to PDF to catch errors.