Environmental at rstudio::global(2021)

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Here's a recap of some of the activity related to Environmental at rstudio::global(20210)

Jonathan to Environmental - January 21st, 10:04 AM

Hi Environment birds! I use R in my natural resources decision analysis work. Mainly I've used it to produce simulation models that project the future status of species and resources. More and more I also use it for data visualization and communication via markdown, blogdown, and especially shiny applications. https://drjonathancummings.com/ if you want to explore some of that work. It's exciting to read about what everyone else does!
Ask me about: species status assessment, management strategy evaluation, structured decision making
Tell me about: how you link your work to influencing policy or what resource management problems do you face

Kim January 21st, 11:59 AM
Hi Jonathan! I work at a National Estuarine Research Reserve, and one of the primary goals of our research is to answer resource management questions. There are currently several restoration efforts on the Reserve (and all along the gulf coast) - both in the water (oyster reef restoration; living shorelines) and in the uplands (prescribed fire is the biggest; but also other methods of invasive species control). Moving forward we're particularly interested in evaluating the effectiveness of these restoration strategies, and it sounds like you might have some resources to recommend?

Jonathan - January 21st, 2:57 PM
Hi Kim Cressman,
Does that work overlap with the work done buy the researchers at the Army Corps ERDC center in Vicksburg? I interviewed for a position there at one point and what you're describing sounds similar. In terms of evaluating effectiveness of estuarine restoration there have been a number of decision analysis projects related to that. For example here are some DOIs to relevant publications: 10.1007/s10584-011-0085-x, 10.5751/ES-07018-200130, 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.08.078

Kim - January 21st, 3:01 PM
Oh, thank you Jonathan Cummings ; I'll check those out! I'm aware of ERDC but we've never worked with them. Probably worth reaching out.

Deepthi R - January 21st, 10:26 PM
Hello Jonathan Cummings , thank you for sharing this. Which package do you prefer the most for Species Distribution Modelling(SDM) ? There are soo many options/packages out there {sdm} , {SDMTune} ,{dismo} ,{bioclim}, which among these do you find most inclusive ?

recommended conferences or resources

Lauren Chadwick to Environmental - January 21st, 11:36 AM

Hey there! Lauren from RStudio's Customer Success team here. :slight_smile:

I support our Life Sciences customers with RStudio needs. A lot of them have environmental use cases as well - which I find fascinating!

I'm curious, does anyone have any other conferences or resources they'd recommend specific to the Environmental use case with R?

Keaton - January 21st, 11:38 AM
I think Data Carpentries Ecology module is really useful for folks just starting out and in Life Science/Ecology/Env Science. Data Analysis and Visualisation in R for Ecologists: Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists

Kim - January 21st, 11:45 AM
Two conferences where R comes up a lot are the National Monitoring Conference (heavy focus on water/hydrology, and will be virtual this April): 12th National Monitoring Conference – North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) and CERF - the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (virtual this November): https://conference.cerf.science/

Gabriel - The Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Mangers' 2020 conference included a couple presentations involving R (see the first two presentation links at the following page). http://www.ofwim.org/meetings/2020-conference-presentations/

Lauren - wow these are all excellent resources Keaton Wilson Kim Cressman and Gabriel Kamener! thank you!

Alexa - definitely check out the International Statistical Ecology Conference!

Lauren - added to the list! thanks Alexa Fredston !

Diana - The University of Edinburgh has compiled a set of tutorials into a free course, Data Science for Ecologists and Environmental Scientists, which has three course 'streams' to cover the skills they think "should be in every ecologist's toolbox". We use these tutorials to help train up new folks in R and find them really helpful and user-friendly. They are also tidyverse-centric, which is great for establishing good habits in new coders! They still use gather() and spread(), but we'll forgive them for that :wink:
Data Science for ecologists and environmental scientists

Priyanka - > Maybe this : https://www.ecoformatics.com/products/the-clean-tech-data-scientists-essential-toolkit

Lauren - > Everyone has such great resources. THANK YOU!! Diana Dishman Priyanka Gagneja

Gabriel - One other resource that comes to mind is the Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) which is funded by the National Science Foundation. Their focus is on data curation and helping researchers publish long-term data packages with high-quality metadata. They offer a number of resources (including training sessions and free virtual office hours). They've also put together a number of tools, including the R EMLassemblyline package to help prepare standardized metadata for publishing alongside one's data. https://environmentaldatainitiative.org/

Thomas - there was a EGU paper by Slater et. al in 2019 on the use of R in hydrology

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