English Monarchs and Marriages - Closeread Prize

English Monarchs and Marriages

Authors: Nicola Rennie

Read the closeread article: Scrollytelling – English Monarchs and Marriages
Reproducible repo: scrollytelling/posts/monarchs at main · nrennie/scrollytelling · GitHub


Scroll through time to learn about different periods of England's history, and the marriages and monarchs of each period. As you scroll through this visualisation, you'll begin with an overview of history and an introduction to the data. Then you'll take a deep dive into each time period, and answer the question of 'who married who, and when'. At the same time, textual descriptions give more information about the time period in general.

Full Description

The scrollytelling visualisation can be found at nrennie.rbind.io/scrollytelling/posts/monarchs, and the source code at github.com/nrennie/scrollytelling/tree/main/posts/monarchs.

Scroll through time to learn about different periods of England's history, and the marriages and monarchs of each period. As you scroll through this visualisation, you'll begin with an overview of history and an introduction to the data. Then you'll take a deep dive into each time period, and answer the question of 'who married who, and when'. At the same time, textual descriptions give more information about the time period in general.


The plots in this scrollytelling visualisation are built with {ggplot2} in R. This project also demonstrates the use of parameterised plot functions, since each period of history generates a similar visualisation with a different underlying subset of data. The data is imported through TidyTuesday, having been sourced from Wikipedia by www.ianvisits.co.uk and scraped by @frankiethull.

Please note that this scrollytelling Closeread visualisation sits within a Quarto website which hosts other scrollytelling projects. You can view the site at nrennie.rbind.io/scrollytelling, and the source code for all scrollytelling projects at github.com/nrennie/scrollytelling. Each scrollytelling visualisation is a sub-directory within posts.

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