{emphatic} package - a tool for exploratory analysis of tabular data using colour highlighting |> Table Contest

{emphatic} package - a tool for exploratory analysis of tabular data using colour highlighting

Authors: Mike Cheng

Full Description:
Tables don't need to be a separate object from your data - viewing data as a data.frame is viewing a table.

To enhance this console view of your tables, the 'emphatic' package adds colour highlighting to a data.frame using dplyr-like filters & selectors, and making using of ggplot2 colourscales to shade data to expose trends and highlight values.

My submission for the table comp is the creation and general availalbility on CRAN of the 'emphatic' package.

The github README illustrates how this package can be used as a new, interactive way to create tables in the console, and also how to output these these tables to Quarto (by automatic conversion to typst, latex, html and svg as required)

Table Type: something else
Submission Type: Other
Table: GitHub - coolbutuseless/emphatic: Highlighting R output in the console
Code: CRAN: Package emphatic
Industries: .
Packages: emphatic