Greetings all,
I need help for an issue in with else if statement.
This is my code :
req51<- data.frame(req5)
t<- nrow(req51)
x <- data.frame(classe=1:t, id=rep(1, t))
for (i in 1:t) {
if (req51[i,"Age"]<30) {x[i, "classe"] = "20-30"}
else if (req51[i,"Age"]<40) {x[i, "classe"] = "30-40"}
else if (req51[i,"Age"]<50) {x[i, "classe"] = "40-50"}
else {x[i, "classe"] = "50-60"}
When i run this locally it works well, but when i deploy the app on i get the following error :
Warning: Error in if: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed.
I dont really know what is going wrong.
Can somebody help please?
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Errors in Shiny code can be difficult to track down. If you don't know where your problem is coming from, you can track it down with some o…
Dear @andresrcs thank you for your reaction. I finally understood the issue. It comes from the use of IF statement inside the FOR loop. I was able to solve it by using the "IFELSE" statement instead. Thanks.
June 7, 2019, 12:01pm
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July 31, 2019, 4:01pm
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