I have loaded dataset with 3.3M records using datatable. There are few datetime/date columns in my data.
1. Time taken for loading data.
user system elapsed
3.99 0.17 3.44
2.Time taken for converting date columns.
user system elapsed
29.78 0.04 30.13
#####======Transactional Data Analysis=====#####
xxx = c("character","character","Date","character","character","Date","Date","character","numeric")
system.time(TransactionData_Train <- fread("data\\train_data\\TransactionData_Train.csv", col.names = ColnamesTransactionData_Train, colClasses = xxx))
#still the column are not converted to date type.. Any help ?
system.time(TransactionData_Train[, DateOfTransaction := as.Date(substring(TransactionData_Train$`The date of transaction`, 0, nchar(TransactionData_Train$`The date of transaction`)-9L),"%d%b%Y")])
````Preformatted text`