Editing a template

Hello, I have a template that I got from the internet. Link below. I really like the template but I want to change a few things so I can use it for a one page resume. I am familiar with using LaTeX and it seems that I'm able to adjust some minor formatting using \vspace{}, etc.

However, I want to change the title size and make some other tweaks so that I can fit more information into the document. The yaml (is this yaml?) at the top doesn't include anything for title size or the ability to customize more. Is there something I'm missing here? How do i make more changes to this template?

output: stevetemplates::cv
geometry: margin=1in

title: "CV"
author: William Sealy Gosset

jobtitle: "Chief Brewer, Arthur Guinness & Son"
address: "Guinness Brewery · Park Royal · London NW10 7RR, UK"
fontawesome: yes
email: guinness@consumer-care.net
# github: svmiller
# twitter: stevenvmiller
#osf: "Enter 5 digit osf string here"
phone: "+353 1 408 4800"
web: guinness.com
updated: TRUE
rdateformat: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %b %Y')`"

keywords: R Markdown, academic CV, template

fontfamily: mathpazo
fontfamilyoptions: sc, osf
fontsize: 11pt
linkcolor: blue
urlcolor: blue

Academic CV:

Hi @garbneric19912,

a very manual but by far the most configurable way would be to directly download stevetemplates/inst/rmarkdown/templates/cv/resources/template.tex at master · svmiller/stevetemplates · GitHub and make the changes there.

For example i changed the line 248 (of the template.tex) to

\centerline{\tiny \bf $author$}


You would add the tex file into your snippet as

    template: template.tex
geometry: margin=1in

title: "CV"
author: William Sealy Gosset

jobtitle: "Chief Brewer, Arthur Guinness & Son"
address: "Guinness Brewery · Park Royal · London NW10 7RR, UK"
fontawesome: yes
email: guinness@consumer-care.net
# github: svmiller
# twitter: stevenvmiller
#osf: "Enter 5 digit osf string here"
phone: "+353 1 408 4800"
web: guinness.com
updated: TRUE
rdateformat: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %b %Y')`"

keywords: R Markdown, academic CV, template

fontfamily: mathpazo
fontfamilyoptions: sc, osf
fontsize: 11pt
linkcolor: blue
urlcolor: blue

I'm assuming the template.tex is in the same folder as your Rmd file.

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