I want to know if its possible to change some values of my database thanks to values entered in textbox in a shiny app.
In fact I have to control the chronology of date, some controls are made automatically but some should have been made case by case watching the other values of the row.
So the first selectinput is used for choose the row to edit.
The second is used for choose the date we want the choose (example : the date of phone call or the date of intervention)
The text input is used for give the right date to put in the case like that :
data$dateappel[row] <- rightdate
dateappel : choosed in the seconde selectinput
row : choosed in the first selectinput
rightdate : wrote in the textinput
I hope that I'm clear about what I want to do.
P.S : sorry if I do mistakes, I'm french and not really good in english ^^
But I want that people can chose the row and "depart" or "dateappel" to edit the value of date.
do_it = length(lignes_error) > 0
selectInput("ligne", label = "Choix de la ligne :",
choices = c(lignes_error))
selectInput("variable", label = "Choix de la variable date a modifier :",
choices = c("dateappel","accouch"))
textInput("nouvelledate", label = "Nouvelle date", value = "Date au format yyyy-mm-jj")
output$date <- renderPrint({ input$nouvelledate })
In fact i'm using shiny in RmarkDown application for now.
So I do verifications whith logics and when I's not possible I include shiny widgets to let the people decide what we had to do for some values.
Well, actually, that is not your data, its a screenshot of your data and we can't copy that into our own RStudio sessions, it would be easier to help you if you could turn this into a proper REPRoducible EXample (reprex)
If you've never heard of a reprex before, you might want to start by reading this FAQ:
Thanks for reporting this. It comes from install.packages("kableExtra"). I edited my answer to fix it with install.packages("kableExtra", repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org")