Please, I need help… I do not understand what is going on with my code.
Let me explain to you : I have a RNAseq results organized in gene counts.
In my experimental design I have a total of 18 samples, that must compared in 3 different groups,
but not between groups. To be more clear, I have 18 samples and 6 conditions. I don’t care about the first 6 samples and I focus only on the second 12 samples.
So in these second samples (columns from 8 to 13 and from 14 to 19) I need to compare the samples from 8 to 13 between them, and the samples from 14 to 19 between them, but not comparison between group 8to13 and group 14to19 should be done.
So, what I do does not work and I don’t understand why.
Here my code, simplified...
charge the file, “ a gene count file”
RNAseq = read_xlsx("path/gene_count.xlsx")
####GROUP 8-13, Where samples 8,9 and 10 are triplicates and samples 11,12,13 are triplicates#####
group<- factor(c(1,1,1,2,2,2))
D <- DGEList(counts=RNAseq[,8:13], genes=RNAseq[2], group = factor(group)) #faire l'analyse
keep <- filterByExpr(D)
D <- D[keep, keep.lib.sizes = FALSE]
t = as.matrix(D$samples$lib.size)
rownames(t) = rownames(D$samples)
D <- calcNormFactors(D, method = "TMM")
design <- model.matrix(~group)
DGM <- estimateDisp(D, design)
fit1 <- glmQLFit(DGM, design)
qlf1 <-glmQLFTest(fit1)
outputEDGER <- topTags(qlf1, n=Inf)
MYRESULT <- as.data.frame(outputEDGER)
write_xlsx(MYRESULT, "mypath/results.xlsx")
Please help a molecular biologist to understand!!
I am becoming crazy, the output I obtain is no pvalue differences and I know that it is false because I have already the results analysed and there are differences, but I need to obtain the same….
I am hopeless, I do not understand
I hope someone can help
Have a nice day!