easy-visualization - Shiny Contest Submission


Authors: Gaosheng Su

Abstract: 1.The application is developed for users who want plot beautiful chart with three or fourth mouse click, but they even cound't operate excel well.
2.Please select which chart you want.
3.Please Upload your data.
4.Please Selected the value in X-axis and the value in Y-axis, a very beautiful chart is plotted.
5.You could select at least 16 chart themes.
The application is so easy and cost free, please feel free enjoy it and send email to sugs01@outlook.com if you have any question.

Full Description:


Please open the application to get more beautiful chart and enjoy it !

I have my own server and installed rstudio-server and shiny-server, so I'll use Rstudio Cloud in the future. Thanks.

Keywords: easy, visualization, chart
Shiny app: https://sugs.shinyapps.io/easy_visualization/
Repo: GitHub - sugs01/easy_visualization
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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