I have seen a few comments on this, but most being from a few years ago. What would be the easiest way to make my shiny web application secure? Thank you
Can you give more details?
Obviously, the easiest way to keep any app secure is to not put it online at all. Kind of defeats the purpose.
If you're afraid of illegitimate access to the data by random people, you may want some authentication to access the app. If your data is not sensitive, that's not a problem.
If the users have an option to upload their own data to the app, or to input their own SQL queries etc, you may need extra care of that. If the users can't input anything arbitrary, that's not a problem.
The answer may also depend on where is the app hosted, on shinyapps.io? On a custom server accessible from the Internet? On a custom server, behind a company firewall? As a standalone on user's computers?
The app is hosted on shinyapps.io. I've since come across this post which I found helpful... Securing Shiny | SecuringShiny