The problem with the current set-up is that the learnr tutorial being deployed is always the same. The code above just embeds the current HTML file inside /srv/shiny-server/mylearnr in the Shiny app.
I tried to make it such that the Shiny app renders a new learnr tutorial each time it runs, like below. But this gives an error, the learnr tutorial is not rendered, and the Shiny app ends up freezing.
# Server side:
output$practice <- renderUI({
rmarkdown::render("/../mylearnr/mylearnr.Rmd") # this did not work
width="100%", height="100%", frameBorder=0, style="height: 100vh;", scrolling = 'yes'
How can I achieve what I want? Any help appreciated.
Thanks for getting back at me and apologies for the late reply.
Here's the error message:
An error has occurred. Check your logs or contact the app author for clarification.
About your question: I have no trigger, hence it should be the case that the Rmd file is only rendered once per session. That is OK for me. I only want to have different HTML across sessions (users).
The Rmd file renders if I execute the rmarkdown::render() command manually. But I get this error while running the command from the Shiny app. I was wondering whether this could be a permissions problem. The files are in /srv/shiny-server with rw permissions for user and group and r permission for others...
Any suggestions are more than welcome, thanks in advance.
Are you making sure, that for each shiny session a separate HTML file is generated? Otherwise it might be the case, that the file is opened in one session while another tries to overwrite it.
I'm sorry I took so long to reply, I am now back on this project.
I considered what you suggested and I see your point. I did not indeed generate different HTMLs per app call. But, that was not easy in my current set up due to permission issues: rmarkdown::render() fails because it has no permission to write to /srv/shiny-server.
To circumvent the problem, I wrote code to render the HTML in a /tmp folder with a randomly generated name. It does create the temp folder, to which I copy the .Rmd file. rmarkdown::render() then does generate an HTML file. However, calling it from my app ends up with a 404 error (" Oops! This Page Could Not Be Found."). There's no Shiny log error file to look at now.
# UI side:
# Server side:
output$practice <- renderUI({ <- "abc123" # to show simpler code here
file.copy(from = "../mylearnr/mylearnr.Rmd",
to = paste0("/tmp/",, "/mylearnr.Rmd"))
rmarkdown::render(paste0("/tmp/",, "/mylearnr.Rmd"))
# This did create file "/tmp/abc123/mylearnr.html"
src = paste0("/tmp/",,
width="100%", height="100%", frameBorder=0, style="height: 100vh;", scrolling = 'yes'
# But this gives a 404 error.
Just to be sure: is there anything dynamic regarding your learnr tutorial (shiny session-wise)? Or should every client see the same html file? Regarding the temp folders please see this related answer.
Hi @ismirsehregal ,
Well, I think there are some dynamic aspects to the mylearnr.Rmd app. Besides having a few blocks of items, I do use some R code to randomly select some items from each block and to shuffle them up.
I checked the related answer that you forwarded me. I could not see how I could put it to use for my own purposes, unfortunately.
Do you have any specific suggestions?
Thanks a lot for your help.