Dynamic filter in shiny app

I have created two different filters and I will like to develop a dynamic filter. If the dataset doesn't have one value the second/first filter must eliminate the other value from the filter. Do I need to use an observeEvent? But where?

For example, I have used the iris dataset and if I select Species setosa I will like to see only 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 etc.


shinyUI (fluidPage(
  navbarPage("My Application",

                      tabPanel("Per Famiglia Prodotto",
                               selectInput("Specie", "Per specie", choices = unique(iris$Species)),
                                        selectInput("classe2", "Classe2", choices = unique(iris$Petal.Width)),

  function(input, output, session) {

    classe <- reactive({
      filter(iris, iris$Species == input$classe)})
    classe2 <- reactive({
      filter(Dato, iris$Petal.Width == input$classe2)

The way you describe your requirement seems problematic because it appears to be circular. What filter 1 shows depends on what filter 2 shows depends on what filter 1 shows to infinity.

You need to conceive of a non circular approach. I.e. a heirarchy of some kind.

How can I do? Is it always a observeEvent?

I have try this in server, ui is the same. It in not working, you can see some error?


classe <- reactive({
filter(iris, iris$Species == input$classe)})

observeEvent(classe(), {
  choices <- unique(classe()$Petal.Width)
  updateSelectInput(inputId = "classe2", choices = choices) 
   classe2 <- reactive({
     filter(Dato, Petal.Width == input$classe2)

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