DT table modifiying column display for large numbers

Hola tod@s,

I am currently running a report in Rmarkdown and I am experiencing a display problem

When I have a large number in my data table, the number appears to be overwritten in the display column

To illustrate:


 df <- data.frame (first_column  = c("2", "1500000"),
                    second_column = c("89998", "7475")
            rownames = FALSE,
            caption = "OK",
            options = list(
              columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:1))

I would like to know if it is possible to solve this?

Thanking you in advance for your time and wishing you a pleasant day,

To get the delimiters, it's necessary to explicitly format the numeric values as character strings. One way to do this would be

df <- data.frame (first_column  = prettyNum(c("2", "1500000"),big.mark = ","),
                  second_column = prettyNum(c("89998", "7475"),big.mark = ","

Wonderful ! It works even better by adding a space just like that (more natural than two commas in my natural language) :

df <- data.frame (first_column  = prettyNum(c("2", "1500000"),big.mark = " "),
                  second_column = prettyNum(c("89998", "7475"),big.mark = " "

I just would like to know if you know how to implement it directly into the DT commands (I need to load my .csv/.xlsx file and then plot the DT way) ... Where would it fit in the syntax ? Into the datatable function or after by modifying the column format ?

# The way I am currently doing for loading data and plot it the DT way 

          rownames = FALSE,
          caption = "OK",
          options = list(
          columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:1))

Thanks in advance, it would be perfect !

I'd bring in the csv with

my_dt <- data.table(fread("path_to_csv file/your_file.csv")

then consider keeping the values of the numeric column as numeric and wait until preparing a table for distribution to do the formatting. The {gt} package, which does tables very well, has a function fmt_number() with a sep_mark argument that works the same way, in your case sep_mark = " ". If you do want to modify the data in the data.table, however, it would be just applying prettyNum() to your numeric columns to convert them to formatted character typeof.


Sorry for the re-opening again the subject,

But could you explain me how do you write your data.table() function to include the prettyNum() parameter for choosen column of the table please ?

I need to use the DT:package to do so, i would really help me !

Thanks in advance !

Not sure I understood the question, but

DT <- data.table::data.table(first_column  = prettyNum(c("2", "1500000"),big.mark = " "),
                     second_column = prettyNum(c("89998", "7475"),big.mark = " "
#>    first_column second_column
#> 1:            2        89 998
#> 2:    1 500 000         7 475

Again, you are better off dropping prettyNum() from the data.table and piping to a formatter, such as {gt}, which is almost as customizable as {ggplot2}


DT <- data.table::data.table(first_column  = c(2,1500000),
                     second_column = c(89998,7475)

#>    first_column second_column
#> 1:            2         89998
#> 2:      1500000          7475
sep <- " " # because a single space may be difficult to see in coding
DT |> gt() |> fmt_number(columns = everything(), 
                         decimals = 0,
                         sep_mark = sep)
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first_column second_column
2 89 998
1 500 000 7 475
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Thanks for your answer and the discovery of this new package {gt} whiwh is finally very useful for my kind of problem

Thanks for all your answer, it does work (and better) now, it's really flexible

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