I have a renderDataTable held in a reactive object (react_table). I have another reactive object (react_plot) that plots react_table(). My goal is for react_plot() to refresh when the user interacts with react_table(), such as by sorting it.
I know this is exceedingly simple but I just can't figure out the logic behind it. How do I make react_table() update/save (the object itself, not just what the user sees) whenever the user interacts with the table so show_plot() will update?
You specific case isn't exactly in those documents.
However, there's this part of the documentation that makes me think its possible.
input$tableId_state : the state information of the table (a list containing the search string, ordering and paging information; it is available only if the option stateSave = TRUE is applied to the table)
Unfortunately, if this doesn't work, I don't think there's an easy R-only way to do this.