I want to drop only the rows where the values in columns "c2", "c3" ,"c4" are missing.
Tried using 'complete.cases' but it removes the rows based on "OR" logic. What i want to do is the AND logic. That is, remove the row only if C2 AND C3 AND C4 are missing.
Any help on this would be highly appreciated.
dat <- tibble(
a = c(1, NA, 3, NA, 5, 6, NA),
b = c(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14),
c = c(15, NA, 17, NA, NA, 20, 21),
d = c(22, NA, 23, 24, 25, 26, 26)
# drop rows only if values in cols a, c, and d are NA
dat |>
filter(!if_all(.cols = c(a,c,d), .fns = is.na))
I'm not in the {base} is always best Church of the One True Faith, but I found once I got over the punctuation-intensive aspect, syntax is easier with fewer and more explicit parameters to stuff into my addled head.
indeed, your approach with base R is much more clear about how the conditions are tested, and it's a good reminder of how base functions and operators can accomplish so much
Your solution works like a charm! Thanks a lot for that.
And next time when I am posting, will keep in mind about the good practices such as producing a reproducible example without just putting the screenshot.