Hi I have a R shiny app displaying an image. I would like to draw a bullets/circles on an image based on image coordinates. The image coordinates are being read from a data frame where I would like to iterate over every row, plot and then remove the coordinates drawn for every iteration.
I have something like this now
UI <- function(id) {
box(title='Select', width = NULL, closable = TRUE,
actionButton("draw", "draw"))
box(title='Draw', width=7, height = NULL,
Server <-function(input, output, session) {
#loop to iterate over every x,y coordinate value in data frame
for(i in 1:nrow(data))
x = data[i,1]
y = data[i,2]
#how do I draw these coordinates values on the below displayed image and clear
#the drawn figures every iteration something like addCircles() and clearShapes() in
#leafletProxy() used for drawing figures on maps
observeEvent(input$draw, {
output$sample<-renderUI({tags$img(src = "data/test.png",
type = "image/png", width = 700, height = 400)})
Note: My original image is 1920x1080 and the image coordinates are accoding to these dimensions and I want to display the image in the app with custom width and height, like I have above(700x400).