I am looking to 'batch' download files from a particular google drive sub-directory. jennybryan has a great reprex and explanation. This will download all files to the current working directory. I want to sequester the downloads to temporary directory which is recycled at sessions end.
From jennybryan
## store the URL you have
folder_url <- "https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7tJg2i5HAo2c0VzVFVhLUdQcnM"
## identify this folder on Drive
## let googledrive know this is a file ID or URL, as opposed to file name
folder <- drive_get(as_id(folder_url))
## identify the csv files in that folder
csv_files <- drive_ls(folder, type = "csv")
## download them
walk(csv_files$id, ~ drive_download(as_id(.x)))
I'd like to change the target directory but return an error
## create the temporary directory
csv_dir <- tempdir()
## download the files
walk(csv_files$id, ~ drive_download(as_id(.x), path = csv_dir, overwrite = TRUE))
## error message
Error in curl::curl_fetch_disk(url, x$path, handle = handle) :
Failed to open file
I have devised a work-around by setwd(csv_dir)
running the walk()
call, then setwd(old)
. I am curious why I fail when specifying the target directory in the call to walk
. I can specify the target directory when calling drive_download()
on a single file and execute successfully.