In my Shiny Dashboard App, the user has the option of processing and downloading a PDF report. (The report is written for Sweave and the processing uses knitr and text2pdf.) This functionalist is triggered with a downloadButton and a downloadHanfler. When the button is clicked, Chrome opens up a new browser tab for the duration of the processing.
I have read on Stack Overflow and elsewhere that this behavior is caused by an inclusion of a "target='_blank'" tag in the HTML code associated with the button. Is there a way to disable this tag?
One way to accomplish what you want is to edit the downloadButton function to create your desired effect:
# Below is the code for downloadButton
function (outputId, label = "Download", class = NULL, ...)
aTag <-
id = outputId,
class = paste("btn btn-default shiny-download-link",
href = "",
target = "_blank", # This is the only part you'd need to change
download = NA,
# You can assign the above function to another object and edit the 'target' argument
downloadButtonEdit <- function (outputId, label = "Download", class = NULL, ...)
aTag <-
id = outputId,
class = paste("btn btn-default shiny-download-link",
href = "",
target = NA, # NA here instead of _blank
download = NA,
Then just replace dowloadButton in your code with the downloadButtonEdit (or whatever you name it)