Download Handlers Embedded in iframes

Hi everyone,
I'm working on developing a reporting function for my app. This feature is actually working. Except when I embed my app in an iframe tag on another site. In other words, I'm using the site as a container for various functions, some written in Shiny, while others consist of interactive maps (not rendered with Shiny). My Shiny UI has a downloadButton which activates my download handler. When I run my app on my desktop, everything works. Same when I run my app directly from However, if I embed the app (via an iframe tag), the report function doesn't work when the button is clicked. If I ctrl+click, the report function runs as expected. Same through a right click and open in new tab or new window. Does anyone know of a good way to report to run with a simple click. Should I use a different type of button?

And, I'm generating the report using an rmarkdown template as outlined here: Shiny – index .

Thanks for all your help.

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