I have a long list of links. Each one is for a NetCDF file. If I put a link in my browser, a file automatically starts downloading, but my browser doesn't go anywhere.
What are these, links, or files? How do I read them in R?
When I try RCurl::getURL(), I get
Error in nc_open trying to open file <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
<title>302 Found</title>
<p>The document has moved <a href="https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/oauth/authorize/. .. etc
I have all the links in a folder called "myfiles.dat". Hoping to move ahead and learn purrr with this set.
If I copy and paste it into my browser, a file still downloads.
@alistaire, you're right. I do need to log in to get this information. Now I understand that RCurl won't work without the login. They have some short instructions how to download all the files using Unix. Looks like I will probably have to contact them to see if there is a way around it since I am not a Unix user.
NetCDFs are popular with climate scientists and almost nobody else If you need advice on getting started with whichever product this is (eg. accessing it), I can ask around the office and see if someone's used it before.
r <- httr::GET("http://goldsmr2.gesdisc.eosdis.nasa.gov/daac-bin/OTF/HTTP_services.cgi?FILENAME=%2Fdata%2FMERRA%2FMST1NXMLD.5.2.0%2F2004%2F01%2FMERRA300.prod.simul.tavg1_2d_mld_Nx.20040101.hdf&FORMAT=bmM0Lw&BBOX=45.687%2C-95.804%2C45.694%2C-95.794&LABEL=MERRA300.prod.simul.tavg1_2d_mld_Nx.20040101.SUB.nc4&SHORTNAME=MST1NXMLD&SERVICE=SUBSET_MERRA&VERSION=1.02&LAYERS=&VARIABLES=tsoil1")
#> Response [https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/oauth/authorize/?scope=uid&app_type=401&client_id=e2WVk8Pw6weeLUKZYOxvTQ&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fgoldsmr2.gesdisc.eosdis.nasa.gov%2Fdata-redirect&state=aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2xkc21yMi5nZXNkaXNjLmVvc2Rpcy5uYXNhLmdvdi9kYWFjLWJpbi9PVEYvSFRUUF9zZXJ2aWNlcy5jZ2k%2FRklMRU5BTUU9JTJGZGF0YSUyRk1FUlJBJTJGTVNUMU5YTUxELjUuMi4wJTJGMjAwNCUyRjAxJTJGTUVSUkEzMDAucHJvZC5zaW11bC50YXZnMV8yZF9tbGRfTnguMjAwNDAxMDEuaGRmJkZPUk1BVD1ibU0wTHcmQkJPWD00NS42ODclMkMtOTUuODA0JTJDNDUuNjk0JTJDLTk1Ljc5NCZMQUJFTD1NRVJSQTMwMC5wcm9kLnNpbXVsLnRhdmcxXzJkX21sZF9OeC4yMDA0MDEwMS5TVUIubmM0JlNIT1JUTkFNRT1NU1QxTlhNTEQmU0VSVklDRT1TVUJTRVRfTUVSUkEmVkVSU0lPTj0xLjAyJkxBWUVSUz0mVkFSSUFCTEVTPXRzb2lsMQ]
#> Date: 2018-01-18 23:36
#> Status: 401
#> Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
#> Size: 27 B
#> HTTP Basic: Access denied.
This suggests that you've logged into the site in your browser and it's probably using cookies to remember you.
It might be possible to automate the log-in and download process with rvest, but if you haven't done any webscraping before it's going to be quite a lot of work (and I don't think there's a good single resources where you can learn the basics)