I am quite lost with this exercise, I tried the following code but I it returns an error although giving me a number - pretty sure it is not correct. Any help is greatly valued!
i <- seq(1, 10, 1)
j <- seq(1, i, 1)
denominators <- 10+j^i
fractions <- (i^5)/denominators
i = rep(1:10, each=5)
j = rep(i, 10)
# find the sum
One way you can do it by making the complete square of i, j and then ignoring the ones where j > i:
# make vectors of indices
i <- rep(1:10, each = 10)
j <- rep(1:10, times = 10)
# which ones are j <= i
k <- j <= i
# find the sum
#> [1] 20835.22