Hello all,
I am currently trying dose-response meta-analysis using the command dosresmeta
I used this dataset (datafile.xlsx - Google Sheets).
When I tried to test for quadratic model, the commands returns an error.
The following code was used:
quad_drma<-dosresmeta(formula = logrr ~ dose + I(dose^2), type = type, id = id,
se = se, cases = event.n, n = total.n, data = datafile)
This is the resulting error code:
dosresmeta.fit(X[v != 0, , drop = FALSE], Z[v != 0, , drop = FALSE] :
A two-stage approach requires that each study provides at least p non-referent obs (p is the number of columns of the design matrix X)
Does anyone know which part of my code or dataset caused problem?
Thank you very much,