Does RStudio WOrkbench support PAM autentication with Azure AD SAML SSO

Hi Team,
We are trying to integrate RStudio Workbench with Azure AD over SAML SSO.
Our requirement is that Azure AD guest users should be able to login to application with SAML SSO with
their SAML credentials e.g But its not working as is not available on the server and we can't create user as on all the OS Linux flavours as some does not support it. Is it possible in RStudio workbench to integrate guest users with the local user as "skahate" only will that work?. Is there any way that mapping can be configured to make it happen with PAM or something else?

Swapnil Kahate

At the moment there is no way in RStudio Workbench to manipulate the user names as received from the SAML claim. Can you change the configuration in Azure AD so that the field that Workbench uses as username contains skahate instead of If that is not possible you could attempt a hack: Create a user and change the username manually afterwards by directly editing /etc/passwd etc.

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