Does anyone mind looking at my code? I am not sure if it does what I want it to do

1. Read in the necessary data.


ReceivedOp <- list()

for (i in 1:14) { ## csv files - T/F for every group - based on whether or not they received an operation
ReceivedOp[[i]] <- read.csv(paste("./receivedOperationByYear/receivedOperation", (2002:2015)[i], ".csv", sep = ""))


filePathsDCODEs <- paste("./RDS AY ", 2002:2015, "/RDS_DCODE.csv", sep = "") ## The names of each file path

D_CODES <- list()

for (i in 1:14) { ## Diagnostic codes (IP or EP)
D_CODES[[i]] <- read.csv(filePathsDCODEs[i])


filePathsDEMOs <- paste("./RDS AY ", 2002:2015, "/RDS_DEMO.csv", sep = "") ## The names of each file path

DEMO <- list()

for (i in 1:14) {
DEMO[[i]] <- read.csv(filePathsDEMOs[i])
} ## Demographic data (i.e. ages)


DISCHARGE <- list()

for (i in 1:9) { ## Mortality information by INC_KEY
DISCHARGE[[i]] <- read.csv(paste("./RDS AY ", (2007:2015)[i], "/DISCHARGE", (2007:2015)[i], ".csv", sep = ""))


for (i in 6:14) { ## Change integer division to regular division
DEMO[[i]]$AGE[DEMO[[i]]$AGEU == "Days"] <- DEMO[[i]]$AGE[DEMO[[i]]$AGEU == "Days"] / 365
DEMO[[i]]$AGE[DEMO[[i]]$AGEU == "Months"] <- DEMO[[i]]$AGE[DEMO[[i]]$AGEU == "Months"] / 12
DEMO[[i]]$AGEU[DEMO[[i]]$AGEU == "Days" | DEMO[[i]]$AGEU == "Months"] <- "Years"

2. Collect data of interest

RuptureTypeList <- list()
InteractionTerms <- list()
DemoList <- list()
AgexRuptureTypexOperationTypeInteractions <- list()
AgexOperationTypeInteractions <- list()
AgexRuptureTypexMortalityInteractions <- list()
OrganizedDischarge <- list()
AgexRupturexOpxMort <- list()
pelvicFractures <- list()

for (i in 1:14) { ## Pre-allocate memory
RuptureType <- rep(NA, nrow(ReceivedOp[[i]]))
RuptureTypeList[[i]] <- RuptureType
InteractionTerms[[i]] <- RuptureType
DemoList[[i]] <- RuptureType
AgexRuptureTypexOperationTypeInteractions[[i]] <- RuptureType
AgexOperationTypeInteractions[[i]] <- RuptureType
AgexRuptureTypexMortalityInteractions[[i]] <- RuptureType
OrganizedDischarge[[i]] <- RuptureType
AgexRupturexOpxMort[[i]] <- RuptureType
pelvicFractures[[i]] <- matrix(rep(RuptureType, 16), ncol = 16)

rm(RuptureType, i)

for (i in 1:14) { ## The code here is going to determine whether there is an EP or IP rupture, by converting to numeric before checking, difference between 867 and 867.0 is.
for (j in 1:nrow(ReceivedOp[[i]])) { ## Going through by INC_KEY in the ReceivedOp
if (867.1 %in% suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(D_CODES[[i]]$DCODE[D_CODES[[i]]$INC_KEY == ReceivedOp[[i]]$INC_KEY[j]])))) {
RuptureTypeList[[i]][j] <- 867.1
else if (867 %in% suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(D_CODES[[i]]$DCODE[D_CODES[[i]]$INC_KEY == ReceivedOp[[i]]$INC_KEY[j]])))) {
RuptureTypeList[[i]][j] <- 867

rm(i, j)

for (i in 1:14) { ## Whether they had a bladder operation and whether their rupture was EP or IP.
InteractionTerms[[i]] <- interaction(ReceivedOp[[i]]$BLADDEROP, RuptureTypeList[[i]], drop = T) ## The interaction function is very useful.


for (i in 1:14) { ## Transfer each patient's age
for (j in 1:nrow(ReceivedOp[[i]])) {
if (![[i]]$AGE[DEMO[[i]]$INC_KEY == ReceivedOp[[i]]$INC_KEY[j]][1] > 0) & DEMO[[i]]$AGE[DEMO[[i]]$INC_KEY == ReceivedOp[[i]]$INC_KEY[j]][1] > (1/12)) {
## Condition as such after examining the data outside the admissable range and finding all values were either 0 or negative (the latter representing missing data)
DemoList[[i]][j] <- DEMO[[i]]$AGE[DEMO[[i]]$INC_KEY == ReceivedOp[[i]]$INC_KEY[j]][1]

for (i in 1:14) { ## Convert ages into categories
DemoList[[i]] <- ifelse(17 >= DemoList[[i]], "Child", "Adult")

for (i in 1:14) { ## Contains information about age, EP vs IP, and whether they received an operation.
AgexRuptureTypexOperationTypeInteractions[[i]] <- interaction(ReceivedOp[[i]]$BLADDEROP, RuptureTypeList[[i]], DemoList[[i]], drop = T)

for (i in 1:14) { ## Whether they received an operation and their age
AgexOperationTypeInteractions[[i]] <- interaction(ReceivedOp[[i]]$BLADDEROP, DemoList[[i]], drop = T)

xFromNA <- function(item, x) {
if ( {
item <- x

for (i in 1:9) { ## Orders INC_KEYs for those who mortality data according to whether they received an operation or not, the outside loop goes by year.
for (j in 1:nrow(ReceivedOp[[i]])) { ## The inside loop goes by INC_KEY from the ReceivedOp list
if (sum(DISCHARGE[[i]]$DECEASED[DISCHARGE[[i]]$INC_KEY == ReceivedOp[[i+5]]$INC_KEY[j]], na.rm = T) > 0) {
OrganizedDischarge[[i+5]][j] <- TRUE
else if ((xFromNA(sum(DISCHARGE[[i]]$DECEASED[DISCHARGE[[i]]$INC_KEY == ReceivedOp[[i+5]]$INC_KEY[j]]), -1) == 0)) {
OrganizedDischarge[[i+5]][j] <- FALSE

for (i in 1:9) { ## What age group, whether they had an EP or IP rupture, and whether they died.
AgexRuptureTypexMortalityInteractions[[i]] <- interaction(DemoList[[i+5]], RuptureTypeList[[i+5]], OrganizedDischarge[[i+5]])

for (i in 1:9) {
AgexRupturexOpxMort[[i]] <- interaction(OrganizedDischarge[[i+5]], AgexRuptureTypexOperationTypeInteractions[[i+5]])

pelvicDCODES <- c(808.0, 808.1, 808.2, 808.3, 808.4, 808.41, 808.42, 808.43, 808.49, 808.5, 808.51, 808.52, 808.59, 808.8, 808.9)

for (i in 1:14) { ## Here we are getting whether it is an EP or IP rupture, by converting to numeric before checking, we remove the difference between 867 and 867.0.
for (j in 1:nrow(ReceivedOp[[i]])) { ## Going through by INC_KEY in the ReceivedOp
for (k in 1:16) {
if (pelvicDCODES[k] %in% suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(D_CODES[[i]]$DCODE[D_CODES[[i]]$INC_KEY == ReceivedOp[[i]]$INC_KEY[j]])))) { ## Try to see what happens if you mess around with this condition in a separate file so you understand why it is the way it is.
pelvicFractures[[i]][j, k] <- TRUE
else {
pelvicFractures[[i]][j, k] <- FALSE

pelvisInteractions <- rep(list(rep(list(), 14)), 15)

pelvicDCODES <- as.character(pelvicDCODES)

for (j in 1:14) { ## Pre-allocate memory
RuptureType <- rep(NA, nrow(ReceivedOp[[j]]))
for (i in 1:15) {
pelvisInteractions[[i]][[j]] <- RuptureType

names(pelvisInteractions) <- pelvicDCODES

for (i in 1:15) {
for (j in 1:9) {
pelvisInteractions[[i]][[j+5]] <- interaction(AgexRuptureTypexOperationTypeInteractions[[j+5]], as.logical(pelvicFractures[[j+5]][ , i]))

pelvisInteractions <- lapply(pelvisInteractions, function(x) 'names<-'(x, 2002:2015))

pelvisInteractions <- rapply(pelvisInteractions, table, how = "replace")

3. Collect counts

EPvIP <- t(data.frame(lapply(RuptureTypeList, table)))[-(1+(1:13)*2), ] ## Calculate frequencies by year, same for all the rest
colnames(EPvIP) <- EPvIP[1, ]
EPvIP <- EPvIP[-1, ]
rownames(EPvIP) <- 2002:2015 ## Put into nice format for writing to file, same for all the rest

ReceivedOperationAndRuptureType <- t(data.frame(lapply(InteractionTerms, table)))[-(1+(1:13)*2), ]
colnames(ReceivedOperationAndRuptureType) <- ReceivedOperationAndRuptureType[1, ]
ReceivedOperationAndRuptureType <- ReceivedOperationAndRuptureType[-1, ]
rownames(ReceivedOperationAndRuptureType) <- 2002:2015

ReceivedOperationAndRuptureTypeAndAge <- t(data.frame(lapply(AgexRuptureTypexOperationTypeInteractions, table)))[-(1+(1:13)*2), ]
colnames(ReceivedOperationAndRuptureTypeAndAge) <- ReceivedOperationAndRuptureTypeAndAge[1, ]
ReceivedOperationAndRuptureTypeAndAge <- ReceivedOperationAndRuptureTypeAndAge[-1, ]
rownames(ReceivedOperationAndRuptureTypeAndAge) <- 2002:2015

ReceivedOperationAndAge <- t(data.frame(lapply(AgexOperationTypeInteractions, table)))[-(1+1:13*2), ]
colnames(ReceivedOperationAndAge) <- ReceivedOperationAndAge[1, ]
ReceivedOperationAndAge <- ReceivedOperationAndAge[-1, ]
rownames(ReceivedOperationAndAge) <- 2002:2015

AgeAndRuptureTypeAndMortality <- t(data.frame(lapply(AgexRuptureTypexMortalityInteractions[1:9], table)))[-(1+1:9*2), ]
colnames(AgeAndRuptureTypeAndMortality) <- AgeAndRuptureTypeAndMortality[1, ]
AgeAndRuptureTypeAndMortality <- AgeAndRuptureTypeAndMortality[-1, ]
rownames(AgeAndRuptureTypeAndMortality) <- 2007:2015

Mortality <- t(data.frame(lapply(OrganizedDischarge[6:14], table)))[-(1+1:9*2), ]
colnames(Mortality) <- Mortality[1, ]
Mortality <- Mortality[-1, ]
rownames(Mortality) <- 2007:2015

ReceivedAgexRupturexOpxMort <- t(data.frame(lapply(AgexRupturexOpxMort[1:9], table)))[-(1+1:9*2), ]
colnames(ReceivedAgexRupturexOpxMort) <- ReceivedAgexRupturexOpxMort[1, ]
ReceivedAgexRupturexOpxMort <- ReceivedAgexRupturexOpxMort[-1, ]
rownames(ReceivedAgexRupturexOpxMort) <- 2007:2015

pelvisInteractions <- lapply(pelvisInteractions, function(x) x[-(1:5)])

for (i in 1:length(pelvisInteractions)) {
for (j in 1:length(pelvisInteractions[[i]])) {
pelvisResults <- t(data.frame(pelvisInteractions[[i]]))[-(1+(1:13)*2), ]
colnames(pelvisResults) <- pelvisResults[1, ]
pelvisResults <- pelvisResults[-1, ]
rownames(pelvisResults) <- 2007:2015
write.csv(pelvisResults, paste0("pelvisdcode", names(pelvisInteractions)[i], "xEverything.csv"))

4. Write to files

write.csv(EPvIP, "resultsEPvIP.csv")
write.csv(ReceivedOperationAndRuptureType, "resultsOperationAndRupture.csv")
write.csv(ReceivedOperationAndRuptureTypeAndAge, "resultsOperationAndRuptureAndAge.csv")
write.csv(ReceivedOperationAndAge, "resultsOperationAndAge.csv")
write.csv(Mortality, "resultsMortality.csv")
write.csv(AgeAndRuptureTypeAndMortality, "resultsAgeRuptureTypeMortality.csv")
write.csv(ReceivedAgexRupturexOpxMort, "resultsOperationAndRuptureAndAgeAndMortality.csv")

A post was merged into an existing topic: any r tutors available here? I need someone to look at my code

A recent post (Does anyone mind looking at my code? I am not sure if it does what I want it to do) involved a question about understanding some R code obviously written by a procedural programmer. It was full of for loops and slicing and almost impossible to follow.

The OP is a medical researcher who didn't have confidence in the results because the code wasn't readily followable. Take a look at the link above. Another problem, besides rewriting the code in idiomatic R was the organization of scores of csv files needed, each of which had multiple records for the same patient. For example, if a patient had multiple diagnoses, there would be separate rows for each. After much, patient discussion on the OP's part, I was able to see that for the information sought no contortions to collapse rows was needed.

To illustrate the contrast, my idiomatic script is included below:

# import libraries
setwd("/Users/rc/projects/working directory/RDS AY 2015")

# set print display options
options(pillar.sigfig = 10) # control display of tibble

# Get patient demographics
patients <- as.tibble(read.csv("RDS_DEMO.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
patients <- patients %>% select(INC_KEY, AGE, GENDER)
patients <- patients %>% select(INC_KEY, AGE, GENDER) %>% mutate(ADULT = ifelse(AGE > 17, "TRUE", "FALSE"))
# eliminate duplicates
patients <- distinct(patients)

# Get discharge status
discharges <- as.tibble(read.csv("RDS_DISCHARGE.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
discharges <- discharges %>% select(INC_KEY,HOSPDISP) %>%  filter(HOSPDISP != "Not Applicable BIU 1" & HOSPDISP != "Not Known/Not Recorded BIU 2") %>% mutate(Expired = ifelse(HOSPDISP == "Deceased/Expired", "TRUE", "FALSE")) %>% select(-HOSPDISP)

# Get intervention codes
p_codes <- as.tibble(read.csv("RDS_PCODE.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
p_codes <- p_codes %>% select(INC_KEY, PCODE)
pelvic <- p_codes %>% filter(PCODE >= 57.6 & PCODE <= 57.89 | PCODE == 57.93) %>% mutate(PCODE = as.logical(PCODE))
colnames(pelvic) <- c("INC_KEY","PELVIC") #  57.93 56.6:57.89 & 57.93

# Diagnostic codes
d_codes <- as.tibble(read.csv("RDS_DCODE.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
d_codes <- d_codes %>% select(INC_KEY, DCODE)
Rupture <- d_codes %>% filter(DCODE > 866.99 & DCODE < 867.2)

# Join patients, discharge, then patients, treatment, then T/F pelvic then DCODES, add year and reorder
patients <- inner_join(patients, discharges, by = "INC_KEY")

# Treatment codes

# ID patients with no pelvic procedure
pelvic_false <- setdiff(patients$INC_KEY, pelvic$INC_KEY)

# Add field for PELVIC t/f
patients <- patients %>% mutate(PELVIC = ifelse(INC_KEY %in% pelvic_false, "FALSE", "TRUE")) %>% mutate(PELVIC = as.logical(PELVIC))

# Add fields for 867 series
patients <- inner_join(patients, Rupture, by = "INC_KEY")

#Add year
patients <- patients %>% mutate(YEAR = 2015)

# Rename columns
colnames(patients) <- c("INC_KEY", "Age", "Sex", "Adult", "Expired", "Intervention", "Rupture", "Year")
# Change Expired to logical
patients <- patients %>% mutate(Expired = as.logical(Expired))

# Censor anomolies

patients <- patients %>% filter(Age >= 0)

write.csv(patients, "../combined/patients_2015.csv")

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Thank you @technocrat for your help. I could not have brought the project to completion without your steadfast support. Thanks again!

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