I can't provide a reprex, but I took screenshots to explain the problem. I think maybe @cderv might have insight?
tl;dr -- the question is: why do i have to re-knit every blog post after I build the website? If I don't, the relevant index.html files get deleted, and the blog doesn't exist after I push to GitHub
The important piece here is that my blog entries don't live in index.html (for the site), instead they live in daily.html . See the structure here:
This could be an odd issue. I don't recall any change in distill that could cause this. I would need to reproduce based on your site but I don't have time to look into it just now. Also because I don't know distill inside and out by heart, and I need to dig into it.
can you open an issue with the same content (or a link to this question) in the distill repo so that we can track ?
I'll try to give a look ASAP.
Also did you try with last dev version of distill ? Is it working with an older version ?
Could be related but also could not directly. Overall, it is best to open a new issue (and linked to a similar one if you found that it could be related). Commenting on an existing issue is best when this is the exact same.
Sorry for the trouble. I'll have a look this week.
I believe this is because your are not defining the site generator to be the one from distill.
There should be
site: distill::distill_website
in the main index.Rmd. Without this, rmarkdown::render_site() will use the default generator which is a classic R Markdown website.
The distill::distill_website custom generator is the one dealing with the content of the _post folder which the default generator does not do.
Thank you, problem fixed!!! I really appreciate the help. The reason for deleting it from the original index.Rmd is because I had re-written the entire index.Rmd (from scratch) to be a generic front page instead of the blog entry landing spot. You are the best, I'm super appreciative.