Apologies if this is an obvious question; I am by no means well-versed in R and have been self-teaching. After spending a few days looking for a way to deal with this I thought I would just ask.
I am working on a survival analysis using discrete data. From what I understand, Coxph and parametric models are not appropriate for data that is genuinely discrete. So from what I've read, the best approach is to use a link function and glm.
I am struggling to find a way to account for repeated events. I am familiar with the ways to do this with continuous data, but is there a way to adapt a discrete data model to include repeated events in R? I found a paper from 1993 that advises you record the spell number in the unit-period data but this is as far as I have gotten on finding a solution.
Thank you in advance for any help! I seriously appreciate it.